With the number of shows on television, it makes sense we lose more than we gain, right?
Some of the shows that have been canceled stick with us. Their loss causes us pain. We miss them. We hope for reunion movies and to find other people who might share our feelings.
The most recent case in point: Witches of East End, whose axing after two seasons had the Internet buzzing and complaining last week.
Below, we've assembled a list of programs that can still bring a tear to the eye at the thought we'll never see the characters we fell in love with and the stories they shared ever again.

22 Cancellations That Cut Deep
Whether it was one season and done or 72 years long, when a series disappears, it takes characters who have come to life with it and it proves one sad fact about television:
There aren't always Happy Endings.
We've shown you ours, now you show us yours! Hit the comments with some of canceled series that left you scarred, bitter and maybe a touch weepy.