On Counter Play Season 1 Episode 3, Jake Spector officially introduced himself to the upper-class society of South Point through a glamorous ball. But glamorous wasn’t the only thing it had been as it had become infamous, too, due to a death that occurred at the party.
Let’s start off with Faith and Riley. It seemed like the two were off to a friendly start. They are both women of class, and it would be nice to see how a friendship could blossom out of two people who share a common thing: their love for Jake/Aaron.
Of course, neither knows the truth so far, but it would be fun to see where that friendship would end up once they learned the truth about Jake Spector.

We were also introduced to a new character, Logan, a security consultant hired by Jake and who used to date our local private investigator, Matt, who was also working for the same man as security for the Masquerade Ball.
The way she was introduced was great. It seemed like she would be entangled pretty well with the storyline, having a past with Matt and her family holds a grudge towards the Haynesworths.
Then, we have been given another glimpse to the three murder witnesses from Counter Play Season 1 Episode 1. Being familiar faces, there's this desire to care about them, but they felt more like people from outside the circle rather than an integral part of the show.
Back in the previous episodes, Mrs. Cornwall was the redeemer. This time, it was hard to see it that way.
It was such a sad thing to see her blabbing about her fake OD to a friend who now has leverage on her. But that one wasn’t a poor choice of decision for the creative team.
Heather Cornwall as a loose-mouthed woman seemed not so out of character. She tends to be impulsive with her actions, and this one proved it. She would do or say whatever it is she wished to. It was just saddening to see a favorite character make a poor decision.
But it would be an interesting spin now that Victoria has the upper hand on Heather. What could Virginia ask Heather for in exchange for her silence? Now, that’s juicy.

The same can be said for Jess Haynesworth, but it wasn't hard to enjoy that scene. Jess is a blabbermouth, and he enjoys bullying people to his advantage. Seeing him become the victim of his own game was well-deserved!
One of the few scenes from the last quarter of the episode that was enjoyable was the dance/talk scene Riley and Jake shared. It would be nice to see how Riley’s confession to Jake that she still hasn’t moved on from Aaron, his previous identity, will play out.
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Kudos to Aaron. To have someone love you still even after all the years that passed? You did something right, for sure.
But, will it be a hindrance to the Faith-Jake relationship? Will there be a second chance for Riley and Aaron? How did affect Jake after hearing that from the mouth of the woman he loved?
It would be nice to see a soft spot from Jake that isn’t fake, honestly.

This was a marked improvement over previous outings, and while there was still a lot of dialogue, it suited the situation. Well done!
Additional notes:
Faith Morgan is still yet to be explored as a character. She can’t be just a supporting girlfriend to Jake, can she?
Some characters feel like they’re unnecessary additions to the storyline. There are too many characters already and too little time to invest and explore on them.
- Also, Kyle, the waiter and Riley’s classmate in South Point High back in the days, had a great line delivery. It didn’t feel forced and felt very natural to the ears. Will we get to see him again?

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Now, we can all head on to Amazon Prime to watch Counter Play Season 1 Episode 4, because there are questions that are yet to be answered. Who was holding the gun? Who was shot? Why were they shot? Lastly, who planned the murder?
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