We only have ONE EPISODE LEFT of Containment, y'all, and before I get into the meet of tonight's review of Containment Season 1 Episode 12 I have to say it's been a lovely, lovely ride.
We all came into this knowing it would be a limited series event but prepared to enjoy it anyway, and I'm going to be really, really bummed when it's over next week.
And not just because I won't get a weekly dose of Chris Wood.
You guys have truly been fantastic, jumping into the comments week after week, sharing your theories and sadness and excitement with me, and it's been awesome. So as much as I'm going to miss the series, I'm going to miss reading YOUR commentary.
Our beloved Katie, Kristen Gutoskie, is coming to The Vampire Diaries Season 8, so we won't be without her forever. If Julie Plec somehow managed to resurrect Kai and give us back our beloved Kake, I feel pretty confident we'd rally around her to make sure she won whatever awards she wants adorning her mantle, right?
Sigh. How heartbreaking was that scene where Jake had to cremate the woman he loved? Maybe the only woman he's EVER loved?
When I watched him washing off her face, my heart cracked a little, and then when he took off his glove to touch her skin for the first, last, and only time? Yikes. Emotion City up in this place.
I had really hoped that last week's ending would be a shocking cliffhanger and the first thing we'd see on tonight's opening sequence would be Katie taking a long, gasping breath of air as her body started to fight back against the virus. Cannerts would have figured out the missing ingredient in his antibody serum and BAM! She'd be saved.
Maybe slightly maimed somehow, like paralyzed from temporary lack of oxygen, or she'd have amnesia, or she would be in a coma, BUT ALIVE.
Except no. She's really, truly, completely gone, and now I'm about thismuch okay with the finale coming because it means my heart won't get repeatedly crushed episode after episode by her absence.
It's really hard to think about the final episode because there is a LOT to wrap up before those people start popping up out of that tunnel and Lex has to throw himself on top of them to save Jana from being shot by one of the police officers guarding the manhole cover.
That's what's going to happen, right? (DON'T TELL US, BELGIAN SERIES VIEWERS! DON'T TELL US!)
The tunnel has been discovered. Meese has no way of knowing that. He's about to send six people through it without knowing they're being shot on the other side.
Lex has no way of knowing they're coming out.
No one knows anything except Jake and he only knows they're leaving but not the escape route. So what's Lex going to do?
I'm imagining there will be a meeting in the sluice between Jake and Lex once Cannerts decides whether or not his cure is working and Jake will tell Lex that Jana et al are on their way out and Lex will rush out of the sluice and shout into the tunnel that they need to turn back and there will be guns drawn and it's going to be a mess.
But they can't leave us hanging, can they?
If this is all we get, there's got to be a resolution, right?
Preferably it's one where Lommers is dethroned as the reigning Queen of Quarantines and exposed for the power hungry monster she is.
I was really hoping Lex was pulling an Orphan Black/Rachel-style takedown when he was in the conference room confronting Lommers and the phone call was someone from the media asking her if she cared to comment on her recent statement that she let the virus loose so that they would have a reason to develop a vaccine.
Instead we got Lommers continuing to manage the media while Lex stands by and plays along. I can only hope he's planning something huge to take her down because she totally deserves it.
And yet part of me understands her point that biochemical warfare like this is far more dangerous and threatening (and easy) than nuclear warfare, yet the budgets aren't even remotely equitable.
The conspiracy theorist in me has tin foil hats for sale. (Moderately priced, I promise. No outbreak-style gouging!)
I'm really unsure how this is all going to play out in only one more episode. I know already that it won't be enough and wish this hadn't been dumped in the summer where it would have a harder time finding its footing with a wider audience.
Cordon is getting a second season, and it would be great to get one here as well. But alas.
I guess we'll always have Atlanta Midtown Hospital and that shower.
What did you think of "Yes Is the Only Living Thing"? Katie's gone for good: React. On a scale of 1 to 10, how ready are you for next week's finale? If you missed a single minute, don't forget you can watch Containment online!