While “In-Laws vs. Outlaws” was a cute filler episode, Common Law is reaching the point in the season where it needs to start pushing the envelope instead of sealing its fate in a place of uncertainty.

Seeing the “ghost[s] of future Wes [and Travis]” was an entertaining concept… but the fact it was intertwined with a case whose content was complicated, to say the least, felt a bit like the show biting off more than it could chew.
Similarly, I felt like we’d seen Wes and Travis observe each other in a similar manner when they switched wardrobes a few episodes back. I don’t think it makes a difference whether Wes and Travis have the potential to transform into their mentors, Fred and Dan. What matters is that we’ve done this plot-line before.
I did find that Fred and Dan were different in that they had traits about them that you might expect Wes and Travis to develop when they got older. Wes will likely have a small dog of some kind as his constant companion which he allows to travel with him everywhere. I could see that. In that same vein, Travis will likely own a “Trudy” whose aesthetics are questionable, but which holds significant sentimental value as his vehicle.
Furthermore, the content of the therapy sessions and its subsequent place within the episode is becoming increasingly predictable. Comparing the arrival of Fred and Dan to that of in-laws was not too hard to see coming. It’s application, however, was limited.
There are only two episode left in this freshman season, and they have a lot to prove before it becomes a matter of whether or not this show should be renewed. Generally shows that air on Friday nights perform questionably unless accompanied by a strong lead-in or cult following.
I’m pulling so hard for Common Law to have the wherewithal to get renewed because I think this show deserves it. Will the network agree with me? And is there a game plan that will get this show to the top of its renewal list?
It will be a long time before this show has a chance to come back and knock our socks off, so it should be leaving us with some powerful final episodes to leave us wanting it to come back!
What do you think, Commoners? Do you think the show has become repetitive in some respects? Does it have something unexpected up its sleeve to wow us in the near future?