If you watched Common Law tonight, you likely screamed “Gun!” at your television on more than one occasion.
From finding out what brought our boys to couples therapy, to watching them take down the man responsible for the death of their friend, this episode was certainly one to make you stand up and cheer.

Failing to fit in with their new therapy group was likely the best thing that ever happened to these two. Then again, their new therapist needed therapy himself. So it was probably better they got out while they could.
So, we finally know how Wes came to pull that gun on Travis. More importantly, we now know how the duo met.
It was great to learn about David Pack, better known as Pack-man. It seemed like the three of them were pretty tight, as if Pack-man was confident they could get it right when it came to taking down whoever was killing all those prostitutes. He knew it would be the beginning of a “beautiful friendship.” In many ways, Wes and Travis owed him for their success.
It’s interesting to note that, in many ways, Wes and Travis only really came together as partners in order to try and nail that dirty rotten scoundrel, John Crowell. It was their mutual respect for Pack-man and their desire to see the people responsible brought to justice.
The story of Wes pulling the gun on Travis was not one of anger and disagreement, it was one of a friend trying to help a grieving friend about to make a mistake he was going to regret dearly. In many ways, Wes’ actions were heroic. It cost them both in some way, most notably in forcing them to go to couples therapy.
Crowell seemed like quite the villain. However, it might have been more fun to have watched them attempt to take him down little by little. It would have required they spill the beans about what led them to Dr. Ryan a little sooner, but the way things played out tonight was a real highlight of this series so far!
Highlights from the episode:
- Stormfront! Nice tactic, boys.
- The evidence from previous cases that appeared during the chase montage. If the show had ended tonight, it would have been a great way to go out.
- Seeing Pack-man tell them to shake hands at the end as a flashback.
Thank you for a great first season Common Law. Now, USA Network, let’s greenlight that second one…