It's not an easy thing to write a season finale that can double as an unplanned ending to a show.
Not only do all the storylines have to be wrapped up, but the audience needs to get some emotional closure as well. Code Black Season 3 Episode 13 pulled it off.

As much as I would love for the show to get picked up by Hulu or Netflix or any other network, I won't be mad if the story gets left where it is. Mario's promotion to attending and Leanne's newly formed family are the perfect bookends to Code Black Season 1 Episode 1.
While the finale wasn't perfect (so few are), it captured the pathos of the series nigh on perfectly. There were plenty of emotional confessions, words of wisdom at surprising moments, and, of course, a Five For Fighting song.
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The overall feeling of "The Business of Saving Lives" is what makes it a success. The two best examples of this are the moments shared between Will and Angus and the courthouse scene.
It's been hard to watch Angus' descent into douchery this season, but the way that he stood up for himself with Will made it clear that was a necessary decline so that he could rise victorious, bursting with confidence but also with respect for his position.

Angus might not have wrapped up his residency like his bestie Mario, but he is now, without a doubt, a surgeon.
And of course, Will respects him and considers him a friend. How could he not? Angus, even while he's been lost in the dark forest of jackassery, is compassionate and sweet and hopeful. He's easily the most lovable character at Angels.
Will: I’ve learned more from you than you realize.
Angus: You have?
Will: Other than my daughter, you are the most compassionate person I know. I’m proud to call you my student. And my friend.
🔗 permalink: Other than my daughter, you are the most compassionate person I know. I’m proud to call you…
Leanne's impassioned speech to the judge about Ariel being her family was clearly supposed to be the emotional climax, but Jesse and the village showing up was far more tear worthy.
The monologue was important not just because it helped cement Ariel and Leanne as a family but because it so perfectly distilled Leanne's journey over three seasons.
She went from merely surviving the loss of her family to building a new one. Ariel was a major part of that, obviously, but it was also about letting in the rest of the crew from Angel's.

As flawless as the emotional tenor of the finale was, there were problems.
Like Ethan's ghost brother haunting him about…what exactly? The sudden breakdown of Dr. GI Joe was confusing for a few reasons, and it's hard to say what it achieved exactly.
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Ethan had clearly been repressing his feelings for Rox. Was Ghost Robert really necessary to get him to confess his love? Shouldn't your (multiple) near-death experiences be enough impetus?
For that matter, did he ever actually declare his love? Asking somebody to save you isn't the healthiest start to a relationship. Especially when you've just received professional advice that the only person who can fix your mental health issues is you.

Rox's support would be important, but it's not fair to lay saving him completely at her feet. What is she getting out of that relationship?
These are the kind of questions I don't want to be asking during a finale. Get the couple together, by all means, but maybe in a way that doesn't have us suddenly questioning if we really want it to happen.

Thank god for Mario and Noa and their possibly-too-healthy relationship. Having a partner whose top priority is what's best for you should be everybody's ideal … and what we should all strive to be.
They helped each other grow, respected each other's professional goals, and were willing to let the other go. #BAEGoals.
Noa: I don’t know if I wanna go anymore. The recruiter swears they wanted me for me, but now the whole thing just feels…tainted.
🔗 permalink: I don’t know if I wanna go anymore. The recruiter swears they wanted me for me, but now the…
Noa's #MeToo story was the plot that made me wish for a Code Black Season 4 more than any other. How is the case against Mr. Avila going to play out? Are there more women? Will Noa face retribution in the medical community?
The story also managed to do the impossible and rehabilitate Diego. He listened to the victim and believed the women and suddenly he doesn't completely suck. Just in time for things to end.
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So what was your opinion of Code Black Season 3 Episode 13? Were all the storylines wrapped up to your satisfaction? Are you ready to campaign to save the show or is it perfect as is? Who do you think is the best bet to save it?
We want to hear your opinions, so feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.
And remember, when you're jonesing for a little bit of Mama's wisdom or Daddy's tough love, you can always watch Code Black online with us right here!