Hope is hard to find when you're trapped in Andre's world. Luckily, that didn't stop Tandy and Tyrone from dishing out some superhero justice.
On Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 7, Tandy faced the realities of being a prisoner in Andre and Lia's motel operation.
A bleak future awaited her if she didn't free herself from the evil. But even in the darkest of times, Tandy still finds the light to save the day.
Nothing gets in the way of Cloak and Dagger whenever they're trying to save each other. That fact includes fences, gates, walls, people, and molecular reality.
Tyrone reuniting with Tandy after her kidnapping was only a matter of time.
The pair has a strong mystical bond, and even with their troubles, they'll still find a way back to each other. Tyrone (and Brigid too) searched everywhere for Tandy, which unfortunately led him into the grasp of Andre's control. Well, for a short time, at least.
"Vikingtown Sound" focused heavily on Tandy learning firsthand of Andre and Lia's operation with the kidnapped girls while Tyrone searched the city for her. The depressing plot took Tandy to a place of hopelessness so that she could overcome her demons and rise up.
(The same goes for the B-plot of Connors and Adina, but we'll get to that in a bit.)
The plot had its fair share of exciting action sequences, but it was the deep character developments and dialogue that pushed the tone forward. The characters felt like a phoenix rising from the ashes to take back their power and authority.
It felt at times equal parts sad and uplifting.

Andre and Lia's motel business seemed pretty sloppy and disorganized. For all the buildup the villains had made, the actual operation could've been easily discovered and dismantled.
If Dell had not ratted on Tandy, she would've walked out without any trouble. Any of the girls would've been able to escape and tell the police if they had simply left the motel.
Andre and Lia relied too much on manipulation, brainwashing, and his powers. The girls complied, but someone doubting them could've changed everything.
Tandy: My friends are going to find me.
Lia: What friends, Tandy? I’ve been watching you for weeks now. Sitting in that circle, brooding and boiling. All that untapped rage and energy looking for an outlet.
Tandy: Don’t act like you know me.
Lia: Don’t act like I don’t. This motel is filled with girls like you, and they all start off thinking there’s someone out there that’s gonna find them. Then they all remember the friend they told off … the mother they screamed at. When you have nobody, nobody’s gonna save you.
🔗 permalink: When you have nobody, nobody’s gonna save you.
The outcome felt underwhelming. I expected a grander operation based on all the work and ambulances used to make this happen.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Tandy and Tyrone destroyed the motel within a day. Everyone needed to be saved, and the satisfaction of Lia being defeated was a hallelujah moment we can all celebrate.
However, when Lia opened the door and told Tandy and Dell that they could simply leave (that no one was being held there against their will), that scene undercut all the terror that Marvel's Cloak & Dagger tried to establish earlier.
Word to the wise for villains: If you're trying to exude that escape is futile, don't show how easily someone can escape within the first few minutes of their capture. Lia didn't think through that smug confrontation.

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Dell's mini-arc was the surprise hit that made the biggest difference for the heroes.
The brainwashed girl started as a subservient prisoner before becoming a brave survivor who recognized her worth. As a contrast to Andre's and Lia's continued speeches to demoralize Tandy, the rise of Dell showed that their manipulation wasn't absolute.
Each kidnapped girl had the power to leave, and they were only held there based on the pain and inner fears manipulated by their captors.
Related: Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 6 Review: B Sides
Like every self-help book and quote you've seen before, the power is all in self-love. And because of the bravery that Dell showed, it gave Tandy hope, and hope was all she needed to fight back.
Thankfully, Tandy snapped out of her darkness. We couldn't have our hero trapped in the darkness forever; she deserves a life full of love and light.

The battle at the motel was a thrilling and action-packed fight sequence. When Tyrone caused the ambulance to crash and when Tandy ripped Lia through the wall, you knew that drama was about to go down!
Marvel's Cloak & Dagger loves to have music shape the progression and style of their fight scenes.
Tandy: Where’s Tyrone?
Andre: It’s possible that your heart is confused as well. That friend of yours … he’s gone from your life, remember? I shot him dead.
Tandy: No. You’re just messing with me. Just like you did with Michayla, right? Because that’s what you do, right? You get in their minds and cause them cause.
Andre: I don’t cause anyone’s pain. I understand it, feel for it, commiserate it with mine. It’s the only way to tap down my migraines.
Tandy: So this is all so you can blow your horn?
Andre: This is so I can survive. The world saddled me with so much pain; the only way I can keep on is to share it from time to time.
Tandy: That’s sick.
Andre: That’s America, Tandy Bowen.
🔗 permalink: That’s America, Tandy Bowen.
Whenever the track built toward a bass drop, Tandy slowed down to deliver a powerful attack. And as the beat increased, Tyrone landed one fast hit after another. The pairing of the music and choreography blended together for an exciting climax.
Plus, the surprise reunion between Tandy and Tyrone ended their separation off on a high note. They didn't even know they would be seeing each other, but the joy on their faces summed it all up.
Why can't they just get together already?

It's a miracle that Adina didn't kill Connors. You could feel the animosity radiating from her body as her son's killer sat tied to the chair.
Gloria Reuben (who plays Adina Johnson) did an amazing job capturing the feeling of a mother pushed to the brink of heartbreak and anger. Her severe expressions and cold tone created a sense of uneasiness; it kept us as viewers on our toes because we weren't sure if she would snap and kill Connors.
Throughout many instances during their forced contact, Adina looked ready to lash out at the man who systematically destroyed her family's life. Luckily, Adina is a rational individual who can separate personal feelings and business.
She needed Connors alive to save Tyrone's life.
Adina: I know you’re the best way to make sure that Tyrone never has to look over his shoulder ever again.
Connors: That’s all I want as well … justice.
Adina: You have to understand the irony in that statement … given that you murdered my first-born in cold blood.
Connors: Yes, ma’am.
Adina: He was one of your other wrongs?
Connors: He was.
Adina: I’m going hold onto these two thoughts in my head. I’m gonna reconcile them, I’m gonna cook, and we’re gonna talk. And we’ll see … we’ll see if your value to Tyrone outweighs the need for me to end your life for what you did to Billy.
🔗 permalink: You have to understand the irony in that statement.
This scene paid off in so many ways, like for the progression of both their character developments and for the movement of the plot.
Connors found peace at facing the realities of his crimes. Adina achieved peace at confronting her son's killer. Plus, she got the whereabouts of Billy's body, so now she can properly put her son to rest.
Not all scenes have to be big action sequences to make a powerful impact. The tense dialogue between these two adversaries delivered a subtle-yet-positive note for "Vikingtown Sound."

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We have to give Mayhem some credit here: she saved the day, even if she didn't realize it.
Andre had Tyrone under his spell and nearly got him to give up on searching for Tandy, but thanks to Mayhem's curiosity, she brought Tyrone back to his senses. Just like listening to a favorite tune, music can positively change your day. And change it did!
Changing the records and destroying them was a genius move. Mayhem didn't sit back and let Andre continue his harm, she prevented him from doing more harm after realizing what was going on back in the real world.
She might be more of a hero than she looks.

Plus, the destruction of the record store had more weight to it thanks to the visual effects it caused.
Marvel's Cloak & Dagger included stylistic elements in the real world whenever Mayhem used the record player. One subtle and captivating moment, in particular, was the appearance of the ballet dancers. Playing Tandy's ballet vinyl during Tyrone's mind control enhanced their connection even further and manifested that experience into a living and breathing sign.
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I enjoyed this plot effect because "Vikingtown Sound" changed as each new vinyl was played in the store, so it made the progression unpredictable.
Tyrone's thoughts changed to the music, and the world provided him reminders to the goal he had in mind. Mayhem inadvertently manipulated and pushed the plot in a certain direction toward the heroes.
Hopefully, the heroes find a way to use this to takedown Andre in the future.

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Speaking of Andre, this mystical lock could lead to nothing but pain and chaos in New Orleans.
If Chantelle, who is clairvoyant and wise beyond her years, warns you to not do something, you need to listen! Her senses picked up on all the evil and negativity emanating from Andre and the sigil. That hesitation must've been why she resisted telling him the truth of the lock.
Though by warning him, she might've given him the push to try to unlock it.
Chantelle: I don’t recognize this vavey, but I know some of the pieces: the bridge, the stars, the water. They mean anything to you?
Andre: Very much so.
Chantelle: Exploring it has a lot of meaning here.
Andre: And if I should do that, it will open a lock? Open a door?
Chantelle: That would be my best guess. Throughout history, there have been a few who have ascended to become a Loa.
Andre: So, a Loa will feel no pain? My headaches will be gone?!
Chantelle: Among other things, but there is another path: leave it locked, walk away.
🔗 permalink: Leave it locked. Walk away.
Andre wants to release his pain, but he also has a big enough ego to want to become a "god." He'll do whatever it takes to open the door and let the power flow through him.
I have a feeling the sigil has something to do with Tandy and Tyrone. The design has all the markings of the original explosion: the night sky, the bridge, and the lake. Since they all got infected at the same time, their combination of light and dark could be the key.
The fall of the motel won't be the last we'll see of their conflict.

Last Thoughts From The Dream World:
Is Chantelle dead or will she be how Mayhem gets freed from the Darkforce?
Lia's backstory was infuriating! She knows exactly what the kidnapped girls are going through, but she willingly takes part in hunting them down. I can't even with her.
Olivia Holt did a great job capturing Tandy's hopelessness and despair. She looked like a shell of her former self as she sat waiting for the rapist.
Also, Lia dressing up Tandy like an innocent little girl might be the grossest thing Marvel's Cloak & Dagger has ever done.
- Tyrone's abundance of shadows pulled me in with its marvelous effect and shocking cliffhanger!

Now, over to you, Marvel's Cloak & Dagger fans!
What did you think of "Vikingtown Sound"?
What is causing Tyrone's shadow reaction? Will the group save Chantelle from the Darkforce? WIll Andre succeed in accomplishing the prophecy?
If you missed the latest episode of Marvel's Cloak & Dagger, you can watch Cloak and Dagger online via TV Fanatic. Come back here and share your thoughts in the comments below.