On Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 11 April, Sara and Brenna are still dealing with the news regarding Thomas' death.
With Natalie still missing, the question remains whether she'll tell anyone what she knows.
Beth: She’s no stranger to drama.
🔗 permalink: She’s no stranger to drama.
While Natalie could be a bit dramatic at times, she has a right to be pissed.
She and her mother were basically shunned and treated as if they didn't exist. Natalie's mysterious disappearance is her way of getting away from all of the drama. I don't blame her for going back home to Florida.
Brenna: Dad was really good at keeping secrets.
🔗 permalink: Dad was really good at keeping secrets.
We all thought when George shredded Thomas' manuscript those secrets would be gone forever. Nope! Turns out that Natalie's mom has an extra copy of it. If the manuscript is a reflection of reality, it will be interesting to explore the secret world of Thomas Carver.
Thomas Carver seemed to be a well calculated man. Everything that happened wasn't a coincidence but planned. Natalie was supposed to find the manuscript, and Thomas' secrets were meant to be revealed. Maybe this whole secrecy thing was Thomas' way of trying to blend his two families together after his planned death.
April: People don’t want to hear the truth. Even if they say they do.
🔗 permalink: People don’t want to hear the truth. Even if they say they do.
Brenna took the news about Thomas' illness and death harder than Sara and April. She considered her dad to be one of her best friends. It was nice to see her open up to April and Sara about how's she felt over the past year. Brenna has gone though a lot and lost many people she loved.
Hopefully with her new budding relationship with Finn, Brenna can find a piece of happiness, although I still wish they'd remain just friends for a while.
Beth: I deserve a higher title than junior designer.
🔗 permalink: I deserve a higher title than junior designer.
Bravo to Beth for sticking up for herself and getting what she deserves. It was definitely time for her to leave that awful job. While it can be scary to leave a job to start your own company, Beth has what it takes to be successful.
With a new boyfriend and career, life for Beth just keeps getting better.
Dominic: I like writer April. Can we keep her?
🔗 permalink: I like writer April. Can we keep her?
Dominic is right, when April is in writer mode she seems to be more attentive and at peace. I'm glad April is finally OK with everything she's gone through. From discovering she has cancer, losing Leo, to finding out the truth about her dad's death, she has an interesting story to tell. Hopefully she will use this as inspiration to finish writing that book she's always wanted to pen.
The opening of Leo's camp, Camp Hendrie, was bittersweet. He truly made an impact on everyone he encountered. Camp Hendrie will give April the opportunity to still feel Leo's presence and spirit.
With Dominic's ongoing battle searching for inspiration, I can see him potentially becoming a camp leader/counselor. Things will get awkward though when he decides to confess his true feelings to April. April is still getting over Leo, and the last thing she needs right now is her ex-boyfriend trying to woo her back.
Overall, tonight's episode was about everyone finally coming to terms with the truth. For once, everyone is following their hearts and doing what's right for them.
How do you feel about Brenna and Finn's new relationship? What secrets do you think Thomas' manuscripts hold? Will April and Dominic rekindle their love? Don't forget you can watch Chasing Life online right here on TV Fanatic.