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On Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 12 April reunites an old college roommate who turns out be her biggest rival.
Also, Beth reveals some shocking news that will force her to put her career on hold.

April: I hadn’t even considered the moving on part.
🔗 permalink: I hadn’t even considered the moving on part.
It was nice seeing April get out of the house and enjoying the company of Beth and Josh. Just by looking at April, we can tell that she still isn't used to life without Leo. With the recent news regarding her dad's death while still mourning Leo, she doesn't know how to be her old self again. It's a lot for anyone to handle, let alone someone also battling cancer.
Dominic: Sometimes it’s good to know when to move on.
🔗 permalink: Sometimes it’s good to know when to move on.
April has to learn that she can't continue living her life mourning Leo. She has to be okay with moving on. Life eventually goes on whether April likes it or not. Eventually she will find someone else to fall in love with and that's perfectly fine.
Now, let's discuss Ellie Pratt, April's old roommate. For someone who is supposed to be a famous social media personality, she doesn't have a personality of her own. The fact that she considered a bump to be a skin cancer scare and attempted to write a memoir based on it is ridiculous.
After Ellie heard April's story about living with cancer, you'd think she would've considered backing out of the publishing deal. Nope! Ellie wanted all the attention on herself even if it meant copying the life of someone that's actually dealing with tragedy. How rude!
April: It’s like verbal plagiarism.
🔗 permalink: It’s like verbal plagiarism.
People like Ellie are the ones that portray a fabricated life on social media to gain fame. They get an adrenaline rush from getting likes and comments whenever they post something new. Ellie was bold to take words April told her in private and made them her own. I'm glad April called her out on it, too. Someone needed to snap Ellie back to reality and knock her off that imaginary pedestal.
April: I live way more boldly now.
🔗 permalink: I live way more boldly now.
One thing Leo taught April was to live life on the edge. That piece of inspiration is something April will always have to remind her of him. She has done things she never would've done had she not met Leo. April has learned that life is too short, and it's time for her take chances. The whole faking a seizure thing was pure gold. I didn't even expect that from April, but she did what she needed to do to get inside of that party.
April's growth and determination throughout this season has been amazing to watch. She's finally coming becoming the woman she was destined to be and going after what she wants.
Beth: Creating my own line has been a little challenging.
🔗 permalink: Creating my own line has been a little challenging.
Beth is like everyone that has had a hard time jump-starting their own business. They have a vision, but when things don't go as planned, they want to give up and throw in the towel. Beth is very talented at what she does, she just needs to believe in herself and understand that success doesn't happen overnight.
I was totally blindsided by the pregnancy news Beth dropped on April. It explains why she's been so unsure of herself lately. Hopefully Beth doesn't put her fashion career dreams on hold. Instead, I can totally see her creating a baby fashion line. The baby news just might be the inspiration Beth needs to launch the fashion line she's always wanted to have.
Another bombshell is the news that Natalie's mother, Olivia, has decided to publish Thomas' manuscript. Drama! This has to be an attempt for Olivia and Natalie to get back at the Carver family for what Thomas did to them. It's not April, Sara and Brenna's fault that Thomas neglected Olivia and Natalie.
Don't forget you can watch Chasing Life online right here on TV Fanatic! What did you think about April's college roommate, Ellie? Do you think April should jump back on the dating scene, or is still too soon? Will Beth make a great mother?
Next on Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 13, the drama will continue. George could get arrested for his involvement in Thomas' death. Plus, April and Dominic may rekindle their relationship.