The CW's Charmed is getting a major overhaul.
Just weeks after the controversial announcement that Madeleine Mantock has exited the series, comes another big announcement:
There will be new creative leadership for Charmed Season 4.

TV Line is reporting that Liz Kruger and Craig Shapiro, who took over as co-showrunners for Charmed Season 2, are vacating their roles.
In their places are Jeffrey Lieber, Joey Falco, and Nicki Renna“We have treasured our time on Charmed during the last two seasons and look forward to continuing on as executive producers while we pursue our development with CBS Studios,” Kruger and Shapiro announced in a statement to TV Line.
“We are excited for the fans to see what the new team of Nicki, Joey and Jeffrey have in store for Season 4 and are confident that the show is in excellent hands!”

“We feel super blessed to be taking the helm at this moment when things are starting over,” Lieber shared.
“We’re bringing in a totally new character who we can do anything with, and it’s just exciting. We hope to make a season where it’s like, ‘Buckle up and strap in, because anything’s possible.'”
Added Falco, “I’ve been on this show since Day 1, and I’ve had three years now to see different showrunners put different spins on the series."
"[Renna and I] have had a lot of time to think about things we want to see more of on the show. We both have weird, quirky senses of humor and sensibilities. We’re looking forward to taking that and putting it front and center.”

“We’ve all been here in the trenches, shaping this show and loving it,” Renna says.
“It’s been like raising a child together. We’re excited to step into more of a leadership position and take the show to places we’ve been wanting to, with storylines and emotional arcs that really excite us."
"We’re three very different people in terms of our personalities, backgrounds and interests, but we work really well together.”
Much of the criticism of the recent episodes of Charmed has been on how the series has failed to address the sisterly bond, regularly putting it on the backburner to focus on other plots.

The good news is that the new showrunners also revealed in an expansive preview that their plan is to make the show about the sisters again, which, qutie frankly, is music to my ears.
It's also possible there could be a curveball thrown in when it comes to the identity of the new sister, with Lieber admitting that the show does not want to rely on Marisol's secrets to bring in the new character.
There is so much more good stuff about the fourth season, which you can read here.
Charmed Season 4 is set for a 2022 bow on The CW, and we'll have more intel on the new sister nearer the time.

For now, though, what are your thoughts on the creative overhaul?
Do you think this can help improve the show?
Hit the comments.