The reboot of Charmed wrapped its four-season run last week with an episode that took to the witches — Maggie, Mel, and Kaela — to the location of the original series.
In one of the most shocking scenes in recent memory, the witches were at Halliwell Manor, the place Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige called home in the original show.
Curtis Kheel, who worked on the first Charmed series, took to Twitter to respond to the development.

“As an original #Charmed writer, I can tell u what happened next: Piper, Phoebe & Paige vanquished the 3 imposters right after they invaded Halliwell Manor,” Kheel tweeted.
“Then @H_Combs blew up the portal to that other universe & quipped: ‘We wish them well.’ #seriesfinale #CharmedReunionMovie.”

The Tweet caught the attention of the official Twitter account for the writers of The CW's reboot.
“Unlike with the OG version of the franchise, we had a strict ‘no assholes’ hiring policy in the writer’s room," the account shared in response to Kheel's social media post.
"We feel mostly sorry for these people, because unlike them we actually like each other and had the BEST time. Onward….”

“And for the record, we LOVE both versions, which is why we set out to create a cohesive universe. In our minds there is zero competition in a long line of strong young witches tasked with repeatedly saving the world. –FIN," the writers wrote in a follow-up tweet.
Kheel further opened up about his disdain for the reboot hours later.
“My problem with the #Charmedreboot is that from Day One, it pretended like the original #Charmed didn’t exist, yet it borrowed a ton of ideas from it,” he wrote across a series of tweets.
“We worked very hard on the OG series for many years & to disregard that is offensive & disrespectful to US & our fans.”

"Now at the 11th Hour, with the cancellation ax swinging, they reverse course & decide to embrace the original #Charmed in a desperate attempt to save the #reboot," he continued.
"They'd realized it was a huge mistake to alienate fans of the OG series by ignoring it. Too little, too late."
Kheel went on to say that it should be a lesson to "respect the original property & creators who came before you," if you're working on a remake of a legacy property.

There were several attempts to reboot Charmed by both CBS and The CW over the years, with the latter network landing on a project that focused on a new group of witches.
What are your thoughts on the back and forth between the writers of the original series and the reboot?
Hit the comments.