On Chance Season 2 Episode 6 Chance pushes Winter to the point of no return, D ties up loose ends with his past, and Nicole's crimes catch up with her. Everyone is on their toes, and no one is backing down.
Winter finally shares the details of his crimes with Chance, admitting to killing several people and providing the name of one of his victims.

Chance and Winter both know that this coping mechanism is no longer working, but where do they go from here? Chance tells Winter he intends to help him, tells Hynes he intends to prosecute and tells viewers absolutely nothing about his true intentions.
With Winter's confession, it became clear that his defenses had officially broken and he trusted Chance fully. There is no other way he would admit to his crimes and show Chance his vulnerability if he wasn't confident in his the doctor's ability to help him.
The only thing standing in Chance's way of finally getting proof of Winter's murders is Lyndsay.
Winter's assistant didn't get any less creepy this episode, nor did she reveal how big her piece of the puzzle is. She threatens to press charges against both Hynes and Chance if they don't leave Winter alone.

Her loyalty and defense of Winter is still a mystery, but Hynes suggests that she's not in the dark about the kind of person Winter is and what he's done.
Chance and D find a way around Lyndsay and casually kidnap Winter. Chance encourages Winter to turn himself into the police, claiming that he can help him get the psychiatric help that he needs.
It is in this scene that viewers are treated to one of the very few mentions of Jaclyn Blackstone this season.
Winter: I asked you once how someone could consent to let you in their head without knowing what you find there. But I knew what you would find.
Chance: Yeah, you did. But you said yes anyway. You trusted me to bring you to this moment. Nothing worthwhile is ever done through thinking alone. At some point, you have to act.
🔗 permalink: Yeah, you did. But you said yes anyway. You trusted me to bring you to this moment. Nothing…
Chance compares Jaclyn to Winter in both their violent tendencies and abusive pasts. Chance claims that he also helped Jaclyn turn herself in, testified on her behalf in court, and now she resides in a psychiatric hospital getting treatment.
This news took me by surprise. Is this story true? Or did Jaclyn just disappear after Raymond was killed? Why are we only hearing about this now? I assume that Chance just used her story as a strategy to get Winter to confess to his crimes. How could what happened between Chance and Jaclyn have ended so cleanly?

After a bit of reluctance Winter seemed to fall victim to Chance's suggestions and claimed that he was going to turn himself in. This admission of defeat and the trust he showed in Chance convinced me even more that Winter had dropped his psychotic games and realized his sickness.
Boy, was I wrong.
Chance: How do you choose? Your victims?
Winter: Sins choose us… according to our weaknesses. But there are people who shine with vulnerability, whether they know it or not. Their faces say “I am afraid of you.” Their faces tell you what they expect you to do to them. They expect to be hurt. They invite it, because they expect it. And if I chose anything, it was because their weakness spoke to mine.
🔗 permalink: Sins choose us… according to our weaknesses. But there are people who shine with…
Hynes enlisted his friend Frank Lambert to help take down Winter. He asked him to look into the death of Katherine and Lyndsay's past. Frank tells Hynes that Winter has agreed to confess after his chat with Chance, but unbeknownst to him, Hynes is being played for a fool.

After heading to Winter's place Hynes finds out that Frank has been dirty all along and that he and Winter had lured him there.
In a dramatic cliffhanger, the episode concluded with Frank shooting Hynes.
I won't say without a shadow of a doubt that Hynes is dead, but after taking two to the chest, a full recovery doesn't seem likely.
D: Fear stops when you kill the thing you’re afraid of. Or it kills you.
🔗 permalink: Fear stops when you kill the thing you’re afraid of. Or it kills you.
Hynes' character was growing on me, and I'll be disappointed if he was killed off. After destroying his life in order to take down Winter, Hynes is the underdog that we're all rooting for. I wanted nothing more than to watch him get his vengeance this season buy finally being able to put Winter away.

Although, I'm sure that Hynes' death would only intensify everyone else's determination to take Ryan down — especially Chance.
The Winter case wasn't the only battle these characters were fighting this episode, however. On Chance Season 2 Episode 5 D had finally confronted his father about following him.
Rather than killing his dad like we might have thought, D gave a rather articulate plea for his father to leave him alone. It wasn't a conversation that ended with a stab to the chest, but a handshake instead.

D's tragic relationship with his father has obviously had an enormous impact on D's life. He says "I am who I am because of you," and I'm sure this influenced his decision to help Carl reunite with his own family.
Easily my favorite part of this hour was Nicole's scenes. After witnessing a couple steal a dog from a homeless man, Nicole becomes a sort of vigilante not unlike her father. Instead of letting the encounter go or trying to solve the problem another way, she turns to crime.

Nicole breaks into the home of the couple, takes the dog, keys their car on her way out, and then returns the little fella to his homeless owner. It's not that Nicole doesn't care, it's that she cares to a fault. She wants justice at any cost. But being a martyr doesn't protect you from the law.
This lesson becomes clear to Nicole toward the end of the episode when she is arrested for assaulting Pepper.
Carl: You know, you may not be a married man with a child, but still. People are going to look at you differently, and that’s fine. If you are strong in yourself. And, Kevin, I see that you are. You are strong. You are ready. Your are a treasure in a jar of clay.
Hynes: Yeah?
Carl: Yes, indeed. Pressed on all sides, but not crushed. Perplexed, but not in despair. Persecuted, but never forsaken. Struck down, but never destroyed.
🔗 permalink: Yes, indeed. Pressed on all sides, but not crushed. Perplexed, but not in despair….
Dr. Clayton looks for her own kind of justice, by investigating Wade Pardo. She reveals to Chance that she know's Pardo was beaten up shortly after punching Chance. In turn, Chance brings up other victim's assailants who have turned up with a less than stellar bill of health.

This was a clever strategy on Chance's part: by being the one to bring attention to the other assaults, he has taken the spotlight off of he and D as the culprits, even though they are responsible. I'm glad that their hit list from the beginning of the season is still being addressed, despite the focus turning to Winter.
It seemed like every second of this hour found two characters going toe to toe. It's impossible to say who has come out on top when motives are still unclear and facts still hidden.
The most significant question we're left with is whether Ryan Winter is the ultimate con. If he really has been playing Chance this entire time, he has done an exceptionally great job. With Hynes out of the picture, it will be that much harder for Chance to catch Winter without getting more blood on his hands, if he can get him at all.

Which side are you on — Chance or Winter? What the heck is up with Lyndsay? Do you think Hynes is dead? Comment below!

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