It's been four years since Castle fans were dealt a huge blow.
In 2016, the show's leading lady, Stana Katic, was fired from the hit procedural, with ABC eyeing a retooled ninth season.
However, the series was subsequently canceled.

Katic has now opened up about the whole scenario, and it appears she has made peace with it.
In an interview with Australia’s Daily Telegraph (via the Daily Mail), Katic said that the “entire experience” left her “confused” and “hurt,” but added, “Time has passed and I am so thankful to have been a part of that project [and] for it to have affected as many people as it did."

"People loved [Kate and Nathan Fillion’s Rick as a] couple and loved the story we told, loved all of those characters.”
While no official reason was given for Katic's ousting from the series, it seemed like it was a cost-cutting move to allow the series to continue at a cheaper cost.
If you watch Castle online, you know Kate and Rick together was the most attractive aspect of the series, so it certainly begs some questions about who thought it would be a good idea to continue without the actress.
Fortunately, fans did not need to witness a Casket-less ninth season.

Katic, who now stars on Amazon's Absentia, said in a 2018 interview that she was at that point unsure about how those conversations about ousting her came to pass.
“I’m actually still not clear on the thought process behind the way that it went down,” before adding, “It hurt and it was a harsh ending.”
Katic was quick to point out at the time that she loved working on the series.
“I met so many beautiful people [on the show], and we collaborated on something really unique."

"It would be a disservice to those people, to the work that we did together, and to my work, which I feel contributed, in part, to the success of the show, to be anything but grateful.”
Katic was not the only actress out of the running for a spot on the then-potential ninth season: Tamala Jones was also not asked back.
Yet, the rest of the cast was allegedly signed on and ready to go until ABC canceled it just days before the finale of Castle Season 8.
Indeed, fans lashed out at ABC and producers when the decision was announced. Like I already mentioned, the success of the show was built on Kate and Rick.

Their connection, and how they interacted to solve crimes, was the hook.
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