It's July, which means ComicCon, except this is 2020…
So the San Diego convention center is sadly silent. (If I could insert a crying emoji here, I would.)
Thankfully, the creative people behind the spectacle that is ComicCon would not let a virus kill our fun, so they moved it all online. Which left us with one very important question.

Who at this virtual ComicCon event was actually wearing pants?
As Alexi Hawley (Showrunner for The Rookie) said, we're living in an above the waist world.
Pants or no, what would ComicCon be without Nathan Fillion? The man has been attending this event since 2002. That's 18 years!
But this year was different. This year Mr. Fillion played along from his kitchen, along with a mystery pooch and a 1980's style mustache.
Did anyone else want to run up and try to rip that thing off his lip?

Good thing for Fillion that this was a virtual get-together.
We should all be grateful to Alexi Hawley for nixing the future of that 'stache. When asked if the mustache was approved for The Rookie Season 3, Hawley replied, "Not at all. Not a chance. I don't think America's ready for that." Thank goodness.
On the downside, the fact that Nathan is still sporting it likely means that the new season has yet to begin filming, and as no one asked the question, we just have to wait to hear about the start of season 3.
When asked about one of his all-time favorite roles, and the one that gets the most cosplay at ComicCon, Fillion had this to say about Firefly…
"Firefly has been my favorite job I've ever had until The Rookie." Fillion continued, "Firefly did a great deal for me. The Rookie is transformative, as far as my life. It's a slice of heaven."

And we love The Rookie here at TV Fanatic, but what ComicCon is ever complete without a few Firefly sightings?
More importantly, will the Firefly crew be showing up on The Rookie for season 3?
Gina Torres (Firefly's Zoe) popped up on the call, causing Fillion to adorably quip, "I haven't seen your face in too long."
When asked if she'd consider doing an episode of The Rookie, Torres said yes, but chastised Fillion… "You have to promise you'll actually be there because when I came onto Castle, you bailed!"
Apparently, Nathan coaxed her to do an episode of Castle, and then they had no scenes together. Ouch!

But Alexi promised that he'd write Torres into Nathan's story if she were to agree to appear in an episode. Hopefully, this will mean we'll see her as a guest star on the show in the near future.
Alan Tudyk joined the call from his car, parked in a grocery store parking lot, while his wife did the shopping. He and Fillion agreed that you never lose the Firefly fans. Once they're a Browncoat, they're locked in.
Tudyk was a fan favorite when he appeared on The Rookie Season 2 Episode 8 as Elroy Basso, the bioremediation specialist, aka a crime scene cleaner.
As Alan pointed out, "My character did not go to jail. He didn't die. He kind of had a little love interest budding." Nathan and Alexi both gave the nod to Elroy returning to The Rookie, and we couldn't agree more.

Moving on to the Castle crowd, Molly Quinn joined in to say how amazing her Castle experience was, especially as a young actor who grew up on set.
"Everyone helped me feel that it was okay not to know and that it was okay and encouraged to ask questions."
As Quinn has moved onto other projects, she reminisces, "The great thing about Castle is that it's what I'm always striving for now." She continued, "It's like getting to go to heaven first."
Jon Huertas and Seamus Dever showed up to comment on their guest stint on The Rookie Season 2 Episode 3.
Since there were some connection issues, it was a little challenging to make out, but I think Jon Huertas was trying to say that he wished he and Seamus had shared a storyline in that episode, and I couldn't agree more.

It was a waste of this talented duo to not have them playing partners, or better yet, partners in crime. These two really deserve a do-over with another guest appearance.
Nathan thanked Jon and Seamus for how much they taught him about doing exposition scenes. (Scenes where characters have to explain part of the story.) He also praised them for finding the fun and humor in the smallest moments that really help make a scene come together.
Another thing Fillion joked about from his Castle days with Huertas and Dever, "It's wonderful watching you guys suffer. It's one of my favorite things."
Mekia Cox (Det. Nyla Harper) was the only cast member in attendance from The Rookie and confirmed what a wonderful time the cast seems to be having on this show and what a positive experience it has been.

Now we just need The Rookie Season 3 to begin! You'll want to check out the actual ComicCon video down below to enjoy all of the funny and heartfelt moments.
Then check back into TVFanatic for the latest news on The Rookie Season 3.
And of course, hit that BIG, BLUE, SHOW COMMENTS BUTTON down below to let us know what you thought of this virtual ComicCon event.