"Homecoming" was such a fitting title for this episode.
In Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 6, some people returned home, like Helen's daughter Samantha and Owen's wife Diane, while others learned the meaning of home.
Joanna was positive that having Samantha back would help, and Billy had to give her a reality check.
Joanna: Samantha breathes new life into this. It’s a fresh start.
Billy : She didn’t just wander into town. They found her locked in the basement of a meth house.
🔗 permalink: She didn’t just wander into town. They found her locked in the basement of a meth house.
Mother and daughter relationships can be difficult, but Helen's and Samantha's seemed especially strained.
Despite all the hard work Helen put into the land, her efforts were in vain. Samantha never planned to return.
Samantha was totally disinterested in what Oro North did to Helen.
Samantha: Sorry, I am only good at fighting with my mother. Not for her. We haven’t talked in years. It doesn’t look like we’re going to have a chance to any time soon now.
🔗 permalink: Sorry, I am only good at fighting with my mother. Not for her. We haven’t talked in years. It…
Samantha may not care about her mother much, but she didn't appreciate Joanna sticking her nose in the family business either.
Families are complicated. You can say or think one thing about your siblings or parents, but when an outsider does, it's over.

Joanna means well, but Helen is not her mother, even though she felt closer to her than her own mother for a month.
It's partly her pride that won't let her settle since Joanna hates losing, as Diane said when they caught up.
Joanna showed more self-awareness this week than she has all this, beginning with her admitting how much being a lawyer means to her.
Joanna: Who am I if I’m not a lawyer?
🔗 permalink: Who am I if I’m not a lawyer?
Joanna has tried mommy and baby groups and chatting with friends during the middle of the day. She is one of those women that need to work to feel fulfilled.

As Joanna yet again found herself pulled further into this case, she wondered if her post-partum disorder was affecting her.
Joanna: If I have a post-partem disorder, could that affect the way I evaluate things?
Therapist: Evaluate?
Joanna: If my mental wellness is an issue, could that compromise my ability to assess facts and law?
🔗 permalink: If my mental wellness is an issue, could that compromise my ability to assess facts and law?
While she wanted a quick answer, she went to the right person, her therapist.
There is no quick and easy solution. Joanna has become so anxious and stressed and is a perfectionist because she fears displeasing her father.
If she learns to let go of that and realizes truly that he's gone and can't hurt her anymore, she will live a freer life.
Joanna strives to win every case to prove to her father that she's the best in many ways. It's why she's afraid she'll fail at parenting since she never had a good role model.

Dee also didn't have any good role models until she moved in with Tayler, Luna, and Stevie.
Those four reminded me of four friends sharing their first apartment and eating macaroni and cheese for breakfast. I how determined Luna is to fight for Dee.
She was determined to make Wesley pay. I hope she continues to work at legal aid. The underdogs need someone with Luna's grit, heart, and determination on their side.
She wanted to sue Wesley, but they need proof that he was Dee's pimp.
Luna has such big ideas, and everyone, including Joanna and Stevie, must be the people to remind her it's risky accusing a pimp of grooming.

Luna: I don’t suppose you have anything in writing?
Dee: I’m not sure Wes can write.
Taylor: He does text her.
Dee: I do have a lot of texts.
🔗 permalink: I do have a lot of texts.
I've been so bored of the mining case, so I was intrigued when trafficking and the mining case interconnected on this episode.
I've never seen anyone tell directions by hearing sounds, so that was a new way to find a crime scene for me. I watch many crime TV shows, so I loved learning something new.
The directions took them directly to the Oro North mine. Lune was determined than ever to make them pay. Stevie was more cautious.
This makes me nervous. Will this case tear them apart, or will Luna pull Stevie over to the Millwood crew?
The two of them bring Joanna on board, and it was so nice to see all of them fighting for the same cause. Dee has finally found a home with these women.

In Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 5, Owen's wife finally returned home, but they hadn't truly reunited.
Diane was annoyed that Owen never told about fostering Kip.
Like most wives, she thought it was an admirable thing to do, and she didn't want to send the teen back out on the street.
She wanted to be involved in the process.

Diane: We don’t talk Owen.
Owen: What are we doing right now?
Diane: You know what I mean. You bottle stuff up. It’s not good for you, and it’s not good for us.
🔗 permalink: You know what I mean. You bottle stuff up. It’s not good for you, and it’s not good for us.
I thought Diane was rather nice about it since most wives would have been furious if their husbands fostered a teen boy without so much as a phone call.
She hated being left out of Owen's life more than anything.
Unfortunately, Kip heard them arguing and ran away, thinking he was in their way.
That poor kid keeps feeling like no one wants him, and so far, Owen has been the only person who has shown him any kindness.

I'm relieved that Diane and Owen convinced Kip to return home with them and that they reaffirmed their love for each other.
We don't see enough of them, and they obviously love each other very much. I hope they can be a family.
We're nearing the end of the final season. What do you think, TV Fanatics?
What's really in the mine? Will Joanna still be able to practice law? Will the trafficking case come between Luna and Stevie?

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Burden of Truth airs at 8/7c on Fridays on the CW.