This was a satisfying series finale. Everyone's story arcs got closure, and most of the characters had a happy ending.
We covered many different storyline arcs and character journeys on Burden of Truth Season 4 Episode 8.
We'll discuss them one by one, leaving Billy and Joanna for the end. We'll start with Taylor.
Taylor had to confront a past she never thought she'd have to again, her dad. She arrested him for drunk driving, and at the station, things between them were tense.
Ben Matheson tried to make amends with his daughter, but Taylor did not want to hear it. Instead, she tried to remain professional and in cop mode, pointing out how high his blood-alcohol level was.
Ben Matheson: I didn’t know that you were here. If I had known I would have tried to reach out.
Taylor: I can’t do this, Dad.
Ben Matheson: I’ve apologized so many times.
🔗 permalink: I’ve apologized so many times.
It only gets worse after Taylor learns that her dad has a job running another steel mill. She felt like he just never learned from his mistakes. She confided in Owen later that it infuriated her that her dad only got a slap on the wrist.
Taylor: I’ve been going after bad guys for years. I guess this whole time I’ve been going after him, and he just got a slap on the wrist. Again.
🔗 permalink: I’ve been going after bad guys for years. I guess this whole time I’ve been going after him,…
Taylor felt frustrated since he's the only dad she has. Owen spoke about chosen family, which is true; we choose who we spend time with and consider our true family. It's a hard lesson to learn, but Taylor has grown so much since Burden of Truth Season 1.

She's become a cop and has had a wonderful mentor in Owen. She's made wonderful friends, especially in her best friend Luna, and her fighting and protective instinct helped her save the girls in Burden of Truth Season 4.
Taylor will continue being a wonderful cop and advocate for survivors. I felt so proud that she was ready to put down roots in Millwood after everything she's been through.
Owen also tried to build a chosen family, but he tried too hard at first. He pushed Kip away by offering adoption, forgetting that Kip had a wonderful relationship with his dad before being murdered. He then insinuated that the teen would get into trouble left to his own devices,
Owen: I think the world of you of you. That’s the problem. You can do anything. You’re smart and now you’re throwing it all away. I think you’re making a huge mistake. You’re on your own now, son.
Kip: I’m not your son.
🔗 permalink: You’re on your own now, son.
He apologized later and offered Kip a solution that everyone would agree to — emancipation papers. Once Kip signed them, he'd legally be an adult.

That seemed important to Kip since he was already 17 years old, and he kept stating he'd be 18 in nine months. However, he did seem scared to be on his own, though he didn't want to admit it.
Owen and Diane made him a deal. He could stay with them, like good friends, but Diane wanted him to enroll in the high school where she taught at.
Kip: Thank you. No one has ever been this nice to me before.
🔗 permalink: Thank you. No one has ever been this nice to me before.
Luna had some moments of self-discovery as well. In the moments before Joanna's hearing, the sisters found a way to go after Tillman, the mine's owner. They asked Dee to identify him, and she's positive it's him.
The sisters are united in their decision to sue him, and they confront him.
Luna: The women weren’t there by choice.
Tillman: I didn’t know that.
Joanna: The law says you should have known.
🔗 permalink: The law says you should have known.
Eventually, they got him to agree to settle if there is a confidentiality clause. Joanna complimented her sister on how far she's come. She said she felt at peace quitting, especially knowing her younger sister would be helping clients now.

Luna had her hands full with decisions to make. Both Nevin Page and Stevie came to support Luna while she waited during Joanna's hearing. Nevin offered her a position again at his firm. Stevie wanted them to figure out their career goals.
Stevie: I don’t want to waste time fixing things if that’s not going to happen. We’re in law school and we’re about to start our careers, if that’s going to be a thing? If it isn’t then your work habits will be someone else’s problem.
Luna: I want them to be your problem.
🔗 permalink: I want them to be your problem.
Upon Owen's advice, Luna contacts the ancestors to learn who she really is. That scene with the Native American Indians was gorgeous.
It was telling that the leader referred to Luna as the wise one who brings the past, present, and future together.
That makes sense. Luna was nervous about working with Nevin since he hurt her sister in the past, but he proved to be a fair attorney for her in the present, and he and Luna could be an unbeatable pair in the future.

Sadly, the case that lasted all of Burden of Truth Season 4 ended without Dee getting the justice she needed. When she heard about that confidential clause, Dee turned down the settlement.
I'm not sure who I felt worse for — Dee, Taylor, or Luna. I understood Dee wanted it on the record that a crime was committed. It felt like a slap in the face as a survivor.
I felt so bad for Luna because she worked so hard on this case, and she almost lost her girlfriend with all the time and effort she put into the case.
Poor Taylor looked like she lost another close friend when she hugged Dee goodbye. Taylor couldn't help herself when she got close to Dee, and now she's gone.

Joanna and Billy had quite a roller coaster as they dealt with the disciplinary committee. Billy was rightfully angry that Joanna offered to resign without consulting him.
Billy: You want to quit, fine. But we’re supposed to be partners in work and if life. You don’t make a life decision like that on your own.
🔗 permalink: You want to quit, fine. But we’re supposed to be partners in work and if life. You don’t make…
Poor Billy becomes depressed since he can't convince the union president to hire him. The president reminds Billy he's a one-man show now.
Billy is so depressed that he confides in Hank that he doesn't think the firm will make it now.
I've enjoyed seeing Hank and Billy bond more lately. It meant something when Hank said he believed in his son, and he thought Billy belonged in the big leagues.

Billy: Without Joanna, we’re not much of an operation.
Hank: Sure, Joanna’s a great lawyer and she’s smart, but she’s piss poor with people. That’s your gift.
🔗 permalink: Sure, Joanna’s a great lawyer and she’s smart, but she’s piss poor with people. That’s your…
While Joanna was out with Luna, she learned Helen woke up from her coma. Billy met her at the hospital. Joanna was so relieved that all her hard work paid off and that Helen and Sam reconciled. Joanna hoped that these things would convince the board she's a good person.
Billy: You are not your past. You are a good lawyer.
Joanna: This isn’t about being a good lawyer. This hearing is about being a good person.
🔗 permalink: This isn’t about being a good lawyer. This hearing is about being a good person.
At the hearing, the lawyer debates if Joanna is a good person and if a person with good character would have signed that opinion letter. Billy tries to argue that Joanna was afraid of her father, who was controlling and abusive.
The disciplinary board finds Joanna didn't act accordingly when signing the opinion letter but has done a good job in Millwood the last four years. They suspend her license for one year. The looks Billy and Joanna exchange tell us they think it's fair.

Joanna realized that Billy had been her true rock through this ordeal and thanked him for always standing by her. She said she'd be there for him forever.
Billy: Are you proposing to me?
Joanna: It’s a counter-proposal. I’m just saying I want it to be you and me for good.
🔗 permalink: It’s a counter-proposal. I’m just saying I want it to be you and me for good.
I'm so relieved that Joanna and Billy ended up together in the end. It was a rough season for them, but they are stronger together. I wish we could've seen the wedding in the epilogue, but I'm satisfied with how it ended.
Over to you, TV Fanatics. Are you happy with the way Burden of Truth ended? Chime in below.
Remember, you can watch Burden of Truth online via TV Fanatic.