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Bored to Death Season 2 Episode 8 Recap: Super Ray Is Mortal!

Jonathan goes on a first date with Nina and it ends up in the sack. She tells him that she has to move in otherwise move back to Portland. She gives him two days to think about it.

George meets with his coworker about failing the drug test.  He has to go to rehab if he doesn’t pass the examination.

Ray has a deranged stalker that leaves a voodoo doll of himself that has a vagina.  They are able to locate where the stalker is sending the emails from with the help of the police officer that Jonathan worked with a couple weeks back.

Jonathan and Ray sneak into his place and find the walls covered in his comic book. They wait around for him to get back, but Jonathan’s phone goes off just as the stalker is about to walk in which makes him run away.

Jonathan gets to the creative writing job interview and he’s late. Lewis is already there waiting to be interviewed which sparks a fight between these two.

Ray is dressed to the nines for the comic convention.  Jonathan spots out the stalker and chases after him. Jonathan is too late and the stalker stab him with an exacto knife. Jonathan punches him out and it’s Irwin.

Leah comes to see Jonathan at the hospital to apologize about ever dating Irwin.

George and Jonathan leave the hospital and go to get something to eat and smoke some pot.

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