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Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Episode 7 Recap: Friendless Child

Nucky's war with Luciano draws in Willie and Eli as everyone vies for control over Atlantic City this week on Boardwalk Empire.

Nucky and Maranzano meet to discuss what to do about Charlie. Maranzano tells him to be patient and wait for Charlie to make a mistake. Nucky decides to force the issue and takes Benny hostage to force a meeting with Charlie. Willie is taken hostage in retaliation after meeting with Eli.

Margaret calls Nucky to tell him he has shorted stock in the Mayflower Grain Company. He tells her to short more the following days.

Eli returns to Atlantic City to tell Nucky the news. A meeting is set to exchange captives, but things go south. Mickey and Archie are killed and Willie is remains a captive. Nucky offers up all he has in Atlantic City for Willie's life and vows to take care of Maranzano. Eli and a group of men kill Maranzano and Willie is freed.

In 1897 Mabel and Nucky argue over what to do with young Gillian. Nucky is called away by Sheriff Lindsay to help the Commodore with a discreet matter. When Nucky returns home, Mabel tells him Gillian has run away.

Nucky sits in his room and is visited by Joe Harper. Joe offers to help Nucky. Nucky gives him money and tells him to get away from him. Nucky opens and reads the letter from Gillian asking for his help.

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