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By Chris O'Hara

On Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Episode 4 , Nucky and Margaret play catch up. Elsewhere, Charlie and Al do the same in Chicago. Read about the familiar face Charlie recognizes and the fall out in our review.

By Chris O'Hara

On Boardwalk Empire , Nucky entertains a potential new business partner. Elsewhere, Chalky tries to hammer some sense into his. Things also heat up in New York for Margaret and Narcisse as you’ll read in our review.

By Chris O'Hara

On Boardwalk Empire, Nucky continues to plan for the future. Check out our review to read about how Eli and Van Alden run into some trouble with Al Capone.

By Chris O'Hara

On Boardwalk Empire, seven years have elapsed as we catch back up with Nucky Thompson. Read on for our extensive review.