Warren Angel's investigation is bearing fruit, as the corrupt Governor Axtell has been forced from office.
New Governor Lew Wallace has announced a general amnesty for all those charged with crimes during the Lincoln County War, as long as they turn in their guns and renounce violence.
Still, Pat Garrett had been charged with forming a posse to hunt down the most violent offenders on both sides of the conflict.
Billy is cautious about the amnesty offer.
Billy suggests that Dulcinea go to Mexico to be with her family but she rejects the idea.
He gives her a small pistol to protect herself.
The Regulators leave Charlie's ranch to hide in Las Tablas on Juan Patron's recommendation.
The town welcomes them and throws a celebration.
But Billy can't enjoy it because he's remembering all the death during the war.
He's awakeed the next day with word that a sheriff's posse is approaching.
Despite Pat's attempts at bribery, the mayor and the citizens refuse to help him.
Billy has the other Regulators return to Lincoln while he serves as bait to distract the posse.
Susan McSween has brought back lawyer Houston Chapman from Las Vegas, to prepare a case against those responsible for Alexander's murder.
Billy arrives at an old military base where he hopes to hole up.
The posse catches up to Billy while he's dining on rabbit.
Billy hears them and rides away, taking down a couple of the posse at the same time.
Catron is worried that he might be the next member of The Ring whom Angel goes after.
Catron wants to stage peace talks between the two sides.
Billy successfully rejoins The Regulators at Charlie's house.
There's a letter from Jesse awaiting him, spelling out the plans for peace talks.
Against Riley's wishes, Walz guarantees Billy's safety.
Walz makes everyone surrender their guns.
The terms of the treaty include that no one on one side can kill anyone on the other side, neither will testify in civil prosecutions and will actvely resists arrests, and those violating the agreement will be executed.
The two sides shake hands and celebrate at The House.
But afterward, Riley and the House forces stop Chapman and Riley kills him in front of Billy.
Gov. Wallace arrives in Lincoln and has an aide fetch Col. Dudley.
Wallace has Dudley removed from command of Fort Stanton for taking sides in the dispute.
Billy sends a letter to Wallace informing him about witnessing the murder of Chapman. He says that if the indicments against him are dismissed, he will tell all.
Billy and Wallace meet in secret.
Wallace offers Billy a pardon in exchange for his testimony against the killers of Tunstall and Chapman. They shake on their deal.
But Pat and his posse catch Billy on his way out. Wallace had set up Billy.
Dulcinia asks Pat for permission to visit Billy in jail.
She shows her gun to Billy while they're kissing then leaves.
As a wagon stuffed with explosives hits the gate, she shoots the jailor.
Billy, Dulcinea, and The Regulators mow down Pat's deputies and escape.