Mary Jane was still hoping to do serious news on Great Day America.
It makes me wonder if she really understood the morning news business. Or of we're not watching the same type of morning news we've become accustomed to seeing daily in this country.
With the outdoor audience segments and sports dudes and all the other goings on, it's pretty clear after Being Mary Jane Season 4 Episode 3 that it's MJ's expectations that need to change. Well, she doesn't have a choice at the moment, anyway.

Talk about a big, steaming pile of doo doo. That's what we can call Justin's staff ratings, especially using MJ's past work as indicative of what she'd produce at Great Day America.
Not only do the two shows focus on completely different types of news, but Mary Jane was also more free to look into the black issues that interested her at SNC. At Great Day, she's far less news and more pop.
That was so incredibly annoying, but not at all surprising. Rhonda was obviously lighting the firecracker up his behind in her attempt to force MJ out of the newsroom.

Garrett's conversation with Mary Jane already sent her down into the dumps and scraped the confidence right off of her.
Hearing she as no good from Justin was expected, and it didn't hurt. But Garrett going along with Justin was unexpected from Garrett.
Justin: I think your demeanor is cold, judgmental and haughty. I just don’t think that’s what our viewers want with their morning coffee.
Garrett: Look, Mary Jane, we all know you have charisma and charm, and that works for the lighter pieces. It’s the serious pieces; I just don’t think they’re for you.
🔗 permalink: Look, Mary Jane, we all know you have charisma and charm, and that works for the lighter…
It wasn't going to be easy for Mary Jane to pull out of that downward spiral, but spending a lot of time with Lee was introducing her to knew things.
As soon as Lee turned on Family Brawlers, I knew it would spark some sort of story idea in Mary Jane's brain. Unfortunately for MJ, it all went to crap when Garrett assigned Justin to the story with MJ instead of Kara.
Mary Jane's idea was to bring in one of the most controversial reality characters on television, Mercedes from Family Brawlers (Cardi B of Love & Hip Hop fame). She wanted to slip her in the door under the guise of talking about her bathing suit line and then engage in "real conversation."
Justin said no. MJ said yes.

Mary Jane was fully intent on having her own conversation with Mercedes, but she was not prepared for the fire that was going to come out of the mouth of that babe.
Mercedes had news about her app, from which the swimsuit line would be sold, and it went right over MJ's head. MJ didn't have the physique for the suits Mercedes was selling. In fact, she was just too damn old to even be dealing with Mercedes, and girl wasn't afraid to say it on live TV.
Proving Justin right in that she has hot buttons that when pushed she can't back down, and she's a bit of a liability to the network, MJ heard Mercedes and her gang call MJ a bitch after the show.

In this day of modern television, she went in and the two busted each others' chops. Mary Jane said some hideous things to Mercedes and that was the only thing that finally gained some respect from Mercedes.
The videos taken by Mercedes' friends went viral and spurned conversation about double consciousness.
It was about how black ladies had to be one way around work ladies and another way around their black friends. Everyone wanted to interview MJ. But is it really that worthy of news in itself?
I don't know a single person in my life who would dare talk at work as they'd talk at home. Work friends have the title of work friends because they're separate from their other friends. What you don't want to get around work, you can't share with them. Livelihood trumps all other hoods.
At least it always has in my life.
It wasn't the best news for MJ to be taken off camera and assigned full time to the internet, but if they're looking for the younger market, the entire plan to eliminate MJ might backfire for Rhonda.
The youthful audience watches online. If they become accustomed to watching online and seeing MJ's face as their brand, it won't be long before they want the traditional TV coverage that also airs online to feature the face they love.

Kara's fun and games getting Orlando Lagos ready to try our for the sports casting position not only proved how good she is at her job with people other than Mary Jane, but allowed her to have a little fun with a sexy fella.
It's about time!
It's been too long since Kara had someone successful, sexy and fun she could hang out with at work and at home, and Orlando proved he might fit both bills when he was not only a good student, but taking photos of her in his jersey. How cute was that?
Showing up at her place with tequila no doubt led to more than just shots. It's exciting, because we might finally get to see Kara and MJ double dating.
Finally, let's talk about Mary Jane and Lee.

Their relationship is always going to new places! Daaaamn, right? Can you believe the places BMJ is willing to go?
It's authentic, because (outside the trip to the BDSM shop), what they're exploring is natural and explored in so many relationships. We are just so rarely along for the ride.
The closer they get sexually, the more comfortable Lee feels with MJ. It's not necessarily the same for her, though, so he's doing his best to bring her into his frame of mind.
Mary Jane was pushing buying a new place in Manhattan, and she's looking outside her wallet to do it. She's pushing too hard. Lee said he can't move in with her until he's certain about her, and that means she has to know and get along with his kids.
Mary Jane's excitement sometimes gets the better of her and she doesn't hear what someone is saying. She's also a little too rich for Lee, her tastes on the haughty side. He'll be good for her, bringing her down to reality, her heads out of the clouds.
I loved how gobsmacked she was when he knocked on her door, expecting to come in and watch Family Brawlers.
Lee: Did you really think we broke up?
Mary Jane: Yeah, I did.
Lee: Well, congratulations. You’re about to celebrate your 40th, and it looks like you’re about to be in a real relationship.
🔗 permalink: Well, congratulations. You’re about to celebrate your 40th, and it looks like you’re about to…
Her relationships were so simple in the past that "get out…leave, I mean it, leave" was enough to end them. Lee's not that kind of guy.
He's a father and a real man. He knows the difference between an argument and a breakup, and he'll help Mary Jane to understand, too.
I can't wait to see what's up next for Mary Jane. She's turning 40, and her life is full of changes, but it's probably going to be the best year of her life.
What about you? Any thoughts? If you're here reading, why not share a few?
You can also watch Being Mary Jane online if you need to catch up.