Orlando was the person "Getting Schooled," but he got more than he bargained for out of the deal.
Kara discovered on Being Mary Jane Season 4 Episode 4 that being with a guy who was famous could have its drawbacks in the bedroom, so she set about setting them straight.
Mary Jane had a couple lessons of her own to learn, but she still hasn't figured out one of the most important, and it's regarding Justin's presence in the newsroom.

Mary Jane has decided not to let being relegated to the web stop her from making her mark on Great Day USA.
In fact, she's proven that having the leeway to post whatever she wants online gives her a distinct advantage over Rhonda.
Rhonda most assuredly didn't expect that to happen, but something tells me Justin did.
The first story that caught Mary Jane's eye was about a boy who was being "assaulted" by his dad for wearing a kilt to school. I think we toss around the world assault a little too easily these days, and don't have enough fingers on my appendages to count the number of times I was "assaulted" by parents.
But we're in a different world now, and MJ knows that world very well. Clicks mean everything on the internet, and they mean a lot to Garrett, too.
When MJ took the story to the entire team, they turned her down flat. Rhonda glossed it over with a winter wedding piece and the other news gal whose name escapes me even pushed MJ's story off the projector "by accident."
So MJ ran it online and got a million hits almost instantly. It was the biggest story on their page and trumped anything that was actually produced for the show. It's hard to believe Garrett thought through his plan to give MJ completely control over the website, isn't it?

MJ wanted to get Kilt Boy (also known as Calhoun, I later learned) on camera for an interview. While that would eventually prove to be more difficult than expected, it was the initial reaction from Justin and Rhonda that floored me.
They were doing everything in their power to throw MJ off her path. Yet Justin's reaction still seemed a little off-kilter.
After all, he was newly assigned to produce all of Mary Jane's segments no matter where they aired. Kara had word with him. She and MJ had been watching him and his powers of persuasion.
He wouldn't be working with MJ if he didn't want to, so what gives? If Justin is truly the caliber of producer he claims to be, then there's no way he's happy producing winter wedding segments for Rhonda.
That's not news, even if it is on the biggest morning show in the country. My guess is Justin has always seen the potential Mary Jane has for being a powerful reporter. He just wants her to stop going off the deep end and learn her craft.

When she wasn't able to get Kilt Boy on the air, she the creator of the kilts, a rapper named D-Razor. A rapper and clothes designer, MJ believed his influence was what was needed to lure Calhoun to the show.
MJ: A young man was assaulted for wearing your clothes. What would you like to say to him?
D-Razor: I would say that we need to call out the person that did that. We need to make sure that never happens again.
🔗 permalink: I would say that we need to call out the person that did that. We need to make sure that…
That's exactly what happened. Mary Jane stayed on the story and pushed, and she brought to light Calhoun's story. It was eventually covered on the evening news, which wouldn't have happened without MJ's dogged determination.
There's no way Justin wasn't proud of what she'd done, but you can guarantee he'd never tell her that.
Lee did, though, especially because he was feeling a lot like Calhoun in his relationship with Mary Jane.
The differences between black people in America and abroad is coming into play nicely with this new relationship, and it's interesting watching Mary Jane come to terms that not all black men are alike.
Lee: Why do we do that? Question a person’s sexual orientation based on what they wear?
🔗 permalink: Why do we do that? Question a person’s sexual orientation based on what they wear?
When the story first appeared, Lee admitted he had a kilt. That's pretty common for men in the UK, and they wear them proudly. It floored Mary Jane to imagine him in it, and she compared him to other black men she knew.
She even pointed out he crossed his legs wrong, not leaving enough room for his "junk." When Lee retorted that she was doing to him exactly what Calhoun's father did to him, she was reluctant to believe him.
MJ: I can feel it’s wrong for a kid to be bullied for wearing kilts, but that doesn’t mean I want my man wearing them.
🔗 permalink: I can feel it’s wrong for a kid to be bullied for wearing kilts, but that doesn’t mean I want…
There is still a lot for Mary Jane to learn about relationships, and she's going on 40 years old. I'm glad she's branched out and allowed Lee into her life.
I just worry now that she's going to end up having feelings for Justin once she realizes what he really thinks of her work. Because I know I'm right about him.
Mary Jane wasn't the only one exploring different sides of her gentleman caller.
Kara had to tell Orlando she just wasn't feeling it in the bedroom. He had all the parts, but didn't know how to use them.
Kara: We are gonna work with your technique. Starting with your tongue.
🔗 permalink: We are gonna work with your technique. Starting with your tongue.
She was so incredibly tactful!
The way she complimented him on his good, strong body and how it might be hard for him to constrain such a masterpiece being why he put so much pressure on her delicate bits was brilliant.
It never struck me that she wasn't that into him.

I guess it was Mary Jane's suggestion that Kara become the teacher with Orlando, but why go to all that trouble just for an occasional booty call?
She taught him how to pleasure her to her specific needs, and they never stopped. It was like a sex marathon at Kara's place.
Only neither Kara nor Orlando took into consideration that there might be parts of Orlando's body that weren't in the same shape as those he worked daily for baseball. Maybe some more stretches would have been in order.
It was almost like watching an "I got my braces stuck in your…" moment when Orlando tweaked his neck while going down on Kara.
But she didn't seem all that concerned when Garrett wondered what the heck happened, because he needed to play ball. She sloughed it off.
Not so much when Orlando wanted to just snuggle and be together. So Kara's kids really like him, and Kara really enjoys the sex, but she hasn't given him a chance to be anything more.
In all of their meetings so far, he's seemed like a lot of fun and someone who would have more to offer than a big baseball filled head, so hopefully Kara will open up to a different sort of fellow herself.
Jump on the Mary Jane train. Buck her normal type and see what this sporty guy is all about.

Quotables for Week Ending February 3, 2017
This was another fun hour of that threw a lot of possibilities onto the table for stories going forward. How long will any of the new relationships last? Who knows.
Make sure you share your thoughts about all the excitement below.
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