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Battle Creek Season 1 Episode 11 Recap: The Hand-Off

Funk and Russ are on their way to a community outreach even and Russ suggests he is the worst person for the job. Anyone who actually likes people would be better. Funk says Milt said he would be in a bad mood because of Holly's vacation. Russ is in a bad mood because Milt saved him.

Good news! There was a shooting. They head over.

A woman is trying to keep a man from bleeding out on a playground. Russ takes them both to a hospital leaving Funk with her daughter there. It's the woman's husband. 

A doctor at the hospital tells Russ he said something sensitive. 

The meeting at the park was a hand-off for the couple's daughter. The wife thinks it might be the neighbor who was angry they won a court battle about an old tree.

Milt meets with an old colleague to get access to records. He knows who shot the guy. Bennett Kowalsky. But nobody knows the guy or saw him in the park.

Russ doesn't care and wants him caught. So much so that he starts coaching the wife.

Holly wonders if she smells. Why? Her date did nothing on the cruise. The guy slept on the couch. She even changed into her bikini with the door open and he closed it.

Because of Milt's FBI informant that he cannot bring to the court, he's suspended. 

Russ takes Holly's advice and goes to Milt for help. Milt is making jam during his suspension which Russ finds very odd. 

After a bunch of rigmarole, the finally realize that Kowalksy is a hitman. Russ is the only one who doesn't want to think the wife is who hired him. Milt appears in the station and wants to wager with Russ that the wife is the doer. 

While Russ and Milt talk with the wife, the doctor watches Russ and remarks to Milt that Russ is really good with the wife. Milt is surprised and doesn't really believe her.

Holly didn't get laid again. While she's complaining about her date, Russ is trying to determine that Rita and her husband were happy and Milt wants to think it's a sham. Milt points out Russ' new attitude is making him attractive to women. Russ realizes that Milt notices that when he acts like Milt he gets lucky.

The husband wakes up. Rita can talk to him for a couple minutes, but that's it. Russ doesn't like it. 

The Commander questions Rita. Milt and Russ continue arguing. Russ doesn't think she did it and points at the husband's gambling. Russ is right. Derek tried to have her killed, but had second thoughts. 

The doctor at the hospital tells Russ what a pleasure it was watching him do his job and hopes he'll call her sometime. He really is changing.

While he's calling the doctor, Steffie Owens, Holly comes in after a bad date and starts telling Jacocks about it. Holly tried having sex, but it didn't work. She finds Russ in the basement and kisses him. Russ protests and they do the ole toss stuff of of the desk maneuver and he takes her right there.

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