That's what I'm talking about!!!
Playing Battle Creek Season 1 Episode 11 and Battle Creek Season 1 Episode 12 back to back worked perfectly as we got the full progression of Russ' character from dinkwhistle to leading man in under two hours. It's about time.
If all goes well, by the time Battle Creek Season 1 Episode 13 is done and the series is over (cue sad music), at least two of the characters we have grown to love in our short time together should get a happy ending.
During Battle Creek Season 1 Episode 10, Russ was kidnapped and Milt thought he might have had a bit of Stockholm syndrome because he was ultimately changed by his experience. It was a little emotional for me, too, and I lashed out in my review, upset that Russ didn't accept Milt's invitation for a beer.
Someone in the comments reminded me that Russ didn't turn down Milt rudely, but politely and he wouldn't change overnight. It appears Russ is still changing for the better and everyone is taking notice.
"The Hand-Off" was really well titled, as it felt like the torch was being passed of all the love for Milt over to Russ. It wasn't lost on Milt, either, as he had kind of a rough time accepting it. Milt was on the receiving end of all of Russ' bad luck, including a suspension for trying things a little differently on a case.
As Russ felt a connection with a woman everyone else believed to be involved in shooting her husband, Russ was certain she wasn't at fault. The doctor on the husband's case couldn't help but note how compassionate and kind Russ was when dealing with the wife. Could you believe those words were used in connection with Russ and not Milt?
Holly, meanwhile, was utterly unhappy with her cruise man, who apparently slept on the couch for duration of their vacation. No amount of bikini wearing or backbends got him in the least bit interested in her and she was at her wits end.
At the hospital, Russ scored the doctor's phone number and didn't hesitation to call it back at the station, but Holly wandered in after yet another bad date while he was doing so. She was upset, telling Jacocks how much she wanted sex. Russ couldn't listen anymore and left the room.
Holly's chakras were open, and so was her mind, because she found Russ in the evidence room and they went from barely able to speak about each other to doing the deed sexy movie style on a desk in the evidence locker.
Of course, the next day, which played out in "Homecoming," Russ was on top of the world coming into the office. Until Holly told him it meant nothing and didn't have to affect their friendship.

What we didn't know at the time was that she was accepted to law school in Indiana and was hoping to make it easier on both of them so they didn't get hurt. Hell, they were both hurting already and they didn't need to wait for a long distance relationship to fall apart.
But the case of the week further enhanced everything Russ was feeling by introducing his alma mater (and everyone's it appears) and friends from high school, many of whom have taken positions in the local high school. His girlfriend from the era was even high school principal.
It was great for Milt to get a better look at the Russ he never knew, the guy who had feelings and was loved and wanted by women. As a result, somehow Milt gets pushed further onto the sidelines. I guess they cannot both share the spotlight at the same time.
All Russ really wanted, however, is Holly. The more she tried to push him away, the more like the old Russ he became. Jacocks made him realize how much they both like each other and then he learned about law school and who knows how he managed to push past the fear of rejection another time, but it was beautiful.
The two of them kissing in the hallway after Russ made a RomCom speech to Holly – pretty much what every girl wants to hear, let's give it a go and to hell with what might happen, we can get through it if we fight for us speech – was amazing. Wow!
With only one episode left before we part ways with the characters of Battle Creek, do you think they'll get their happy ending? I sure hope so. I also hope Russ and Milt get that beer. Is that too much to ask? Just one beer.
If you have missed any of this fun series, you can watch Battle Creek online via TV Fanatic to catch up.