They say timing is everything.
Whether Barry's timing is good or terrible during Barry Season 2 Episode 4 depends on how you look at it.
Barry's journey is significantly changed when he meets Sally's Ex, Sam. But another sharp turn reveals itself that could throw a wrench in his plans again.

The opportunity arose for Barry to use his particular set of skills to right a wrong he finds very unjust.
Very few people would have blamed him if he chose to exercise his options killing Sam, but Barry is working very hard to become a different person.

Just like Barry, Gene has been at a crossroads in his life.
Getting to know Barry and understanding how badly the young man wants to change has been an inspiration to Gene. The closer he gets to Barry, the more both of them change for the better.
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Even so, when Gene's son, Leo, arrives at his house only to share with Gene some strawberries, he finds himself taken aback.
His comments aren't full-on father, and his narcissistic tendencies lend to him sending a shirtless photo to Leo when tries to get him his cell number so they can continue talking over dinner.
Gene isn't the perfect father, but he's making strides.

At the same time, Barry struggles with his killing Sam.
But he eventually realizes it's not what's best for him or Sally. Sally can handle her own problems, even if she doesn't always handle them to the best of her ability.
Sam: You know, you’re a fuckin’ prick man.
Barry: Alright.
Sam: And don’t forget — I fucked her first. I got her when that shit was tight.
🔗 permalink: And don’t forget — I fucked her first. I got her when that shit was tight.
Everyone is trying to find better versions of themselves, and it might be inevitable that Sally had to deal with Sam on her own.
Like an alcoholic who needs their sponsor when they severly yearn for alcohol, Barry knew he needed to talk out what he was feeling.
Unfortunately, his attempts to contact Fuches were upended when Fuches told Barry never to call him again.

So Barry went to the only other person in his life with whom he's been as honest as possible — Gene.
The conversation between Gene and Barry was Emmy caliber, as are most of the scenes between Henry Winkler and Bill Hader.
The timing of Gene's interaction with Leo coincided perfectly with Barry's cry for help.
What Gene didn't do correctly with Leo, he fixed with Barry.
Sometimes it seems like Gene isn't listening to Barry when he's talking.
But when Barry finally revealed what happened during the war, Gene proved to be the perfect person in which Barry needed to confide.
Gene: OK. So here’s my advice. You never tell that story again as long as you live because basically, you killed somebody and you got away with it.
Barry: See, that’s why I didn’t want to tell you, ’cause you’re gonna look at me differently. You’re gonna look at me like I’m a murderer, like I’m a violent piece of shit.
Gene: Barry? Listen to me. I had a son. I was terrible to this son. I was cruel. I was selfish. And there’s nothing I can do to change that. But I don’t want to be that guy anymore, and I pray that human beings can change their nature, because if they can’t then you and I are in deep trouble.
Barry: OK. How do we do that?
Gene: I think we’re doing it already. You didn’t beat that guy up, did you? You came here. You’re talking about your feelings instead of acting out your feelings. And as for my son, the first time I reached out to him after years and years, I got a big “Fuck you, dad.” But today, today he brought me strawberries.
Barry: Do you think I’m a bad person, Mr. Cousineau?
Gene: I think you’re deeply human. You did a terrible thing. But do I think that defines you? No. That’s why I don’t think you should tell this story in front of the class. Also, they will shit themselves. I mean, they’re children.
🔗 permalink: I think you’re deeply human. You did a terrible thing. But do I think that defines you? No….
That is the best converstion between two men who happened into each other's lives at the right time.
It was raw and edgy, but as deeply connected and personal as they became, Gene managed to be funny to close it out.
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Their hug was everything, even if Gene ultimately decided to charge Barry for a private lesson.
Neither of them realizes that the journey Gene needs to take out of his own ass is a lot farther than the one Barry needs to take from assassin to actor.

It's so dissapointing, then, that Fuches was trying so hard to keep Barry from getting caught by Loach.
Barry had a look of such sadness on his face that a man he trusted was working with the cops. And it was with such excitement that Barry slipped and revealed his truth that it felt like Loach should have given him a pass.
Did anyone see it coming that Loach would turn the tables on the entire discussion by offering Barry a way out?
Given the title, "What?!" I should have known it was going to be a flip of the coin.

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All Barry has to do is embrace the very thing he's trying to escape and it can all go away.
It's ludicrous how terribly screwed up Barry's situation gets by the day.
From NoHo Hank assuring Barry he is, indeed, the most evil person he's ever met and reveling in how sorry he was if Barry didn't know how he felt, to Loach 's pronouncement, Barry cannot catch a break.
He's always begging to be seen as a normal man, but everyone wants to keep him far from everyday.
Barry passed over killing a guy who could probably use it to getting sucked into killing one who probably doesn't — by the very cop who wants to arrest him for murder.
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Or maybe all the discussions between Loach and his wife have always been leading to this. He managed to swing the case he needed to save his marriage.
Murder has been on Loach's mind for a while, but he needed the murderer to pull off the job.
If you watched the preview, you know how Barry's going to try to get around killing someone else. It's highly unlikely his best laid plan will go accordingly.
If you aren't watching Barry, you need to tell me why. If you are, then you need to say a howdy do below. Go!!