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Barry Season 2 Episode 8 Recap: berkman > block

Barry arrives in the mountains and races to get an eye on Fuches and Gene.

Fuches has his gun trained on Gene as Gene looks into the trunk. Fuches hesitates, a harried look on his face. Sirens blare in the background, he lowers his gun, whispers into Gene's ear and runs off.

Barry arrives to Gene crying miserably, on his knees, beside car. Barry sees what's inside the trunk, goes wide-eyed and slams it shut.

Barry is getting interrogated by Det. Mae who doesn't believe him so much, but she has Gene as her killer, so she's fine to let Barry go.

Barry guns for Fuches.

Noho Hank and the gang arrive at their new home which appears to be a Hindu temple. He finds a fantastic place for a heroin table, and he jumps on the phone with customer service of a furniture website because he can't find what he wants.

He gets a call indicating he's going back to Chechnya, so he calls Barry to help him convince the guys that he's a good arm wrestler and all that.

Sally greets Barry at the new venue. He's not in the best spirits and has no idea where they are.

The others are rehersing thier pieces. 

Det. Mae grills Gene who doesn't want to hear about the Goulet guy. She's trying to figure out what made Gene crack. Gene's response is she was the love of his life. With that, Gene gets arrested.

Hank's guys are working well together, cheering and all that, when Fuches arrives. He thinks Hank's guys are impressive. They look like an army. And he needs an army.

Barry checks on Gene and learns he's gotten booked for Janice's murder. His performance is going to be very real. He fights crying while he calls Fuches who has a way for Barry to save Gene but he doubts he'll take it.

It's time for the show which has a packed house. The show goes on.

Hank isn't concerned about Fuches and Barry's falling out. They always get back together. As they're arguing the point, Cristobel and friends show up guns drawn. Fuches goes down to greet them. Cristobel wonders if he's on the bluetooth. Nope, he hears his name.

Fuches launches into a discussion about Cristobel and Hank that is more about him and Barry.

Now, the two lovers are reconnecting in front of their groups, melting into each other. Fuches pulls them away from each other and walks off with them as Esther gives them the stink eye.

It's time for Sally and Barry to take the stage. He's laser focused and it's not on the production. Self absorbed, Sally cannot see he's not worried but out of there. As she's begging him to think straight, he grasps her neck. He is focused. He is selling it. She slaps him across the face, and they take the stage. 

Barry is practically on fire. He looks at Sally as if it's the first time he ever saw her, but he remembers his line. His realism makes Sally look like an amateur until she feels what she's doing. When she says they're done, Barry leaves the stage. Sally flounders.

She feels like she panicked in front of the audience. Everyone around her, though, not only feels for her but understands why she turned down the series. Sally inspired the audience with her story and feels everything closing in on her.

Just before taking Gene to lockup, Mae is called into an office by her officers. As Gene stands in the hallway gazing onto what appears to be a wound on the floor, he's set free. 

At a bus stop, Barry tries to get more news about Gene. Calling Gene's phone, he lands Gene's son, Leo, who had the bag of evidence. 

In Janice's trunk was a Chechnyan pin that translates to "the debt has been paid." Mae thinks the Chechnyans did it.

Barry leaves a message for Gene before he gets word th Fuches is with Hank.

Everyone is laughing and having a good time as Esther eyes the heroin table just before Barry storms in. She recognizes him drawing her gun drawing attention to Barry. Fuches screams shit!

Fuches!! Gunfire erupts as Barry kills anything that moves. And if he's good at anything, it's killing. Fuches looks for a way out screaming HELP ME. Guns trained on the door don't trump Barry's skill. Never fuck with a man on a mission.

A thunderstorm makes the lights flash. Someone is actually happy to see Barry before getting shot between the eyes. After all, Hank's guys trust Barry.

The Big Kahuna arrives to find the destruction all around but the heroin still intact. Hank pops up from behind the alter to say Hey Man, before sinking below again.

Barry sees all of the death but no Fuches. Tears of anger in his eyes, he keeps walking.

Leo is helping Gene settle in bed. Gene is a broken man. He remembers all of his happiness with Janice and bolts upright in bed when he remember what Gene whispered in his ear.

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