Bonnie has already learned from est and she's only learned the pamphlet.
OMG. Jessica's commercial is for a Wonder Woman doll. She'll never tell Wonder Woman's identity!
Bonnie's boss asks her to take a wedding dress across the city. She's annoyed.
The look on Kathleen's face when she learns the est meeting is nine hours with no breaks, she is not pleased.
Bonnie decides to picnic with Adam even though she needs to deliver the dress.
Jeff delegates his work to Diana.
Kathleen tries to give her story at est and is told she's talking like a victim. She's embarrassed.
Adam has mushrooms, and Bonnie decides to take some of them.
Bonnie and Adam appreciate nature will on shrooms.
Diana works her ass off as usual.
Bonnie tries on the wedding dress as the sun starts to set. She realizes Adam is 25 and that she was in Jr. High when he was born.
Diana asks Alan out for a drink and then asks him if he's slept with a lot of men. He orders more drinks.
Kathleen watches someone have an epiphany at est and wants to go again at which time she learns she doesn't speak unless spoken to at est.
Kathleen realizes she's never thought about her father.
Bonnie gets a phone call while Adam and she are playing monoply. Becca's getting suspended. So a shroomed up Bonnie heads to the principal's office — in the wedding dress — and finds Steven in the room, as well.
Alan is asking Diana how many men there were. She has no idea. His response is wow, and Diana couldn't even even say she enjoyed it but that she needed it. She needed to feel in charge.
The Bay City Rollers (but perhaps a remake) comes on and they hit the dance floor! S – A – T – U – R – D – A – Y NIGHT.
Becca has been very naughty in class. She gave Mr. Knave the finger after he told her to shut up. That sets Bonnie off and she even calls him Adolph.
Kathleen has a breakthrough in est. She goes home to phone her daddy, telling him not only did she want to see Don Meredith but daddy's an asshole.
Bonnie never delivered the dress, but Steve took a liking to the woman she's become since he left. She sends him away before he can form any other ideas.
Bonnie takes the girls over to Mr. Knave's house so she and Becca can scribble Fascist Pig and the like on his car in lipstick.