All eyes were on Angelea throughout the America’s Next Top Model All-Stars Finale. Not because she performed particularly well, but because she was disqualified and sent home!
In a series first, Tyra gave Angelea the book during panel for a yet-unknown reason. Sources say the contestant revealed a few spoilers since taping ended, with some actually claiming she won… only for the show to re-film a new ending with a new champion. Scandalous!

The finale did a great job of wrapping up loose threads from the cycle. “Pot Ledom,” the forgotten Michael Cinco dresses and the dreaded CoverGirl commercials all made an appearance in the action-packed episode.
Angelea, Allison and Lisa all flubbed the CoverGirl commercials in their own special way. Of course, the spots are infamous, but the girls so far have been rocking live shoots this season, so my expecations were higher.
Allison at first got a distinct advantage for the CoverGirl beauty shot with her stunning eyes, but struggled when they put her in the sun. Lisa’s shoot was actually sultry and stunning without being wild. Angelea struggled the most; her bone structure is unparalleled but her eyes weren’t showcasing the product.
It wouldn’t be Top Model without a dramatic surprise finale photoshoot, of course. Gorgeous Greek setting, sexy swimwear, and Vogue Italia? No pressure indeed. Allison looked the most editorial and graceful in her white bathing suit, far outshining Lisa, who came across rather trashy in her photooshoot.
In keeping with the water theme, the finale runway was chock full of crazy moments:
- The models had to swim.
- They had to “rise” out of the water like Aphrodite to signify their “birth as models.”
- They wore wings and harnesses.
- Pot ledom… ledom… ledom…
- We finally saw the individualized Michael Cinco dresses.
Although everything else seemed a bit gimmicky, I really enjoyed finally seeing the dresses that the girls designed; they were so beautiful, individual and fitting for each of the models.
Meanwhile: Surprise! The judging was set in Los Angeles. Didn’t it seem as though the finale was all over the place? It was an unusually hectic ANTM episode, with more photoshoots and longer runway than usual.
After Angelea’s shocking elimination, which came as a surprise for Lisa and Allison as well, I was sure that Allison had even more of an advantage. I never thought Lisa would get as far as she already had.
Unfortunately, Lisa was climbing up the scoreboard with her commercial, gorgeous CoverGirl shot and the runway. I knew Allison couldn’t win over the judges in the runway category but she was a much stronger swimmer and was quite bubbly during panel.
I think what may have sealed her fate was Lisa’s surprisingly classy, yet sultry, CoverGirl shoot. I’m really surprised and disappointed that Allison didn’t win All-Stars. I expected anyone as wonderful and quirky as Allison was a total shoo-in to be the champion! I can’t see Lisa as a proper ANTM ambassador either, but maybe I’m wrong.