I know I say this with every new episode review, but things just got a whole lot worse for the S.H.I.E.L.D. team. And now, the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. is in jeopardy.
The Chronicoms did promise at the beginning of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 7 that they would put an end to S.H.I.E.L.D., and they have finally done it.
Massive Chronicom ships arrived in the 80s' and took out every single S.H.I.E.L.D. base there is, including the famous Triskellion, on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 7 Episode 11. So, is this really the end?
Of course not. Somehow, someway, the agents will come out on top and restore S.H.I.E.L.D. But for right now, it all seems a bit hopeless, doesn't it? How are they ever going to recover from this?
So much has been lost (and a little bit has been gained — looking at you Sousa) on this final season that it's hard to imagine a world where every single character ends up with nothing left and that's it — the end.
Daisy: It won’t be the same.
Mack: No, it won’t. But that’s okay.
🔗 permalink: No, it won’t. But that’s okay.
Since the whole theme of this season has been time travel, it might be safe to assume that time travel is involved in their plan to defeat Nathaniel, Kora, and the Chronicoms.
But maybe that's what the writers want us to think. After all, there have been many plot twists that we have not seen coming over the last few episodes.
Either way, it is not looking good for the team. Thankfully they do still have a dark horse, and his name is Leopold Fitz.

Fitz is back, and he is (most likely) still alive!
Unfortunately, we only saw him through Simmons' memories, but all signs point to him being alive and well at the present moment, in my opinion.
Did anyone else jump with glee and cry when they saw him in Simmons' first memory of them at the bottom of the ocean? Or was that just me?
We have been deprived of Fitz for too long, and it was about time that he graced us with his presence on our television screens.
It wasn't under the happiest of circumstances since Nathaniel was once again abusing a woman from the S.H.I.E.L.D. team, along with her grandson. He is a slimy villain that we love to hate.

The trip down Fitzsimmons' memory lane was fantastic, though, and it was the pick-me-up we needed after the fan-favorite couple spent nearly a whole season apart.
It started out with scenes that we have already seen and ended with new ones that gave us a little bit more insight into just what happened before Simmons arrived with the new and improved Zephyr at the end of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 6 Episode 13.
Fitz: We don’t have to rush. We could just take some time to live.
Simmons: Fitz-
Fitz: Well we built a nice home for ourselves here, could spruce it up. Live together. No mission, no end of the world. We could just be.
Simmons: Is this about the bloodwork?
Fitz: No, and yeah. But because we deserve it, regardless.
Simmons: We don’t even know if it’s-
Fitz: Listen. If May and Coulson taught us anything, it’s that we should take the time that we have.
🔗 permalink: Listen. If May and Coulson taught us anything, it’s that we should take the time that we have.
The amount of time that they spent building the Zephyr is still a mystery, but it had to have been at least a year if what Fitz and Simmons were arguing about on that last scene is what I think.
Did Fitz and Simmons have a baby?

On the first new flashback, there was mention of bloodwork and the possibility of it messing with their mission to save the team.
It made Fitz want to take a step back and live a little with Simmons before returning to their responsibilities. And what could be more important than having a child and wanting to settle down for them?
This is all speculation, of course, and it just might be that something is truly wrong with Fitz. The bloodwork and Simmons freaking out about forgetting whatever it means could be inferred as Fitz being sick.
Sousa: You know, I learned a long time ago not to let somebody do something stupid on their own.
Daisy: You learn that in the army?
Sousa: Brooklyn Scout Troop Eighty-Seven.
Daisy: Boy Scouts?
Sousa: We were kinda the bad boys of the Boy Scouts.
🔗 permalink: We were kinda the bad boys of the Boy Scouts.
But I don't believe that. It all stinks of a red herring because I highly doubt that the writers would be so cruel as to kill off Fitz before the series comes to an end.
Everything is fine. We will all see another epic Fitzsimmons reunion soon, even if she no longer remembers who Fitz is.

Okay, so maybe I'm in denial.
Unfortunately, Nathaniel, being the evil person he is, dug too deep into Simmons' memories of Fitz, in turn causing her to forget her husband.
On the bright side, she has Deke with her to remind her of who Fitz is. As an honorary member of the Fitzsimmons team, he is the right man for the job. And who doesn't want more bonding scenes between Deke and his Nana?
Or maybe Simmons remembering Fitz will be as simple as removing D.I.A.N.A. Either way, Fitz and Simmons have been through a lot worse than this, haven't they?

Deke's not the only person who is there for Simmons; Daisy will fight anyone who threatens her chosen sister.
Yes, Kora is her biological sister, but Simmons is Daisy's real family. She will choose her over Kora, someone she just met and never knew existed until very recently, every single time.
Daisy: Sybil dropped Kora in my lap because they knew I’d want to save her. The thing is, I already have a sister to save. Her name is Jemma Simmons.
🔗 permalink: Sybil dropped Kora in my lap because they knew I’d want to save her. The thing is, I already…
If anyone argues that the found family trope isn't the best trope on television, show them the scene where Daisy calls Simmons her sister. It's chill-inducing and will bring a tear to anyone's eye — given they have a heart.
Also, can we talk about how amazing Chloe Bennet — the portrayer of Daisy — was during this hour? She portrayed the fear and hurt of potentially losing her family so well while maintaining her badass reputation.
Daisy's determination to save Simmons from Nathaniel proves that the relationships between their characters are the best thing that the show does. The scene between Daisy and Mack was also a great demonstration of this strength.

Mack has always been like a big brother to Daisy and has offered her some wise advice over the years. So it wasn't a surprise when he was the one to tell her that it will be okay when things inevitably change.
Enoch predicted that their fight against Nathaniel and the Chronicoms would be their last mission as a team, and Daisy has had a difficult time accepting that that may be the case.
Daisy: Mack, you guys are my family. I don’t know who I am without you guys.
Mack: No, Daisy-
Daisy: No, it’s-
Mack: You know exactly who you are, with anyone.
🔗 permalink: You know exactly who you are, with anyone.
But change is inescapable, and that doesn't mean that Daisy's future will be awful as a result. It's looking like it will be the very opposite due to the crazy amount of sparks flying between her and Sousa.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has always, without fail, nailed the chemistry between all their paired up characters — platonic and romantic.
From Daisy and Simmons to Daisy and Sousa, every single relationship is a joy to watch, and this episode reminded us of what we'll be losing when the series comes to an end. A spin-off of Daisy and Sousa, anyone?

Is Kora a lost cause? All signs are pointing towards yes.
Daisy might have been able to get through to her, but Kora is hellbent on "helping" people by killing others.
Isn't it funny when villains insist on killing for the greater good, but judge anyone else who arguably does the same? May became the Cavalry for making that difficult choice, and Kora despises her for it.
Kora: Every child loves her mother.
Daisy: Not every mother loves her back.
Kora: I’m sorry you didn’t get that.
Daisy: I’m sorry you threw it away.
🔗 permalink: I’m sorry you threw it away.
The main difference between heroes and villains, at least in this scenario, is the presence of a moral code. Unfortunately, it looks like Kora does not have one.
After a bit of a meltdown, she was fine with Nathaniel, her kind-of boyfriend, killing her mother and blowing up multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. bases. At this point, she's just as bad as the Malick family reject.

23 Characters Who Came Back From the Dead
What did you think, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fanatics?
Is something wrong with Fitz, did Fitzsimmons have a baby, or could it be something else? How fantastic was Mack's talk with Sousa about his intentions?
And Grant Ward has to show up on the finale in some sort of way, right?
Let me know in the comments, and do not forget that you can watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. online right here via TV Fanatic!
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs on Wednesdays at 10/9c on ABC.