Cunning move. Very cunning move.
While we've gotten used to Gerald McRaney sweet talking us over on This Is Us, we were reminded of his other side on 24: Legacy Season 1 Episode 3.
That side, as a father willing to go to the ends of the earth for his son, shouldn't have been all that difficult to figure out, considering he recently played a very similar role on Longmire and his on-air son is even co-starring on 24: Legacy!

That's the nature of a good actor, though. They can lull you into a sense of comfort or squeeze you into a sense of discomfort, whatever the case may be. If McRaney wasn't doing his job well, I might have suspected him from the start.
Luis: My guy was able to hack the ATM camera, change the time stamp. Rebecca’s already pulled the footage. And she has a record that Nilaa was at campaign headquarters when the file was breached.
Henry: And there are no other cameras, there’s no other way that CTU can confirm CTU’s story?
Luis: I went over the route myself, twice. CTU won’t be able to trace the leak back to you.
Henry: That’s what you said the first time.
🔗 permalink: That’s what you said the first time.
Even though his old pal, Luis, laid it on the line for us, I still have no idea (nor can I begin to fathom the reasons) why Henry would need to go to such great lengths to prop up John's presidential candidacy.
I suppose we've come into the race a little too late in the game to fully understand the stakes.
So far, all we know is Rebecca has been the prosperous spouse while John sat back and allowed her career to flourish. He's a doting husband, and that was apparent even on 24: Legacy Season 1 Episode 1 when he stood back so she could have her moment when she received her medal of honor.
Maybe Henry didn't have the necessary faith in his son to go all the way to the White House.
Luis: Henry, you asked me to handle your mess. I’m handling it.
Henry: Givin’ up those soldiers was bad enough, but now Nilaa.
Luis: It’s our only play. Unless you’re ready to burn down John’s campaign and everything you spent your life trying to build.
🔗 permalink: It’s our only play. Unless you’re ready to burn down John’s campaign and everything you spent…
Killing an elite and respected military group didn't even seem to phase him. Maybe he's a little more touched by what's happening to Nilaa because it's going on in his backyard.

Something tells me John isn't going to stand idly by, watching others trash Nilaa's life before his very eyes. She's been with him from the very beginning, and they've never had a problem with trust or her religion before.
Having a Muslim at his side could have been helpful for his campaign, especially given their current circumstances, and it's unlikely anyone close to him will let that pass.
At least I hope it doesn't.
If we can have a side story where I have to pretend to care what happens to Eric's brother (I don't) because of some petty juvenile jealousy issue with Aisha, then we can definitely play out what happens with Nilaa to the bitter end!
Seriously, we're not even going to talk about that garbage in detail because, in real time, it's embarrassing. A drug deal is about to go down, a terrorist act is about to go down and this chick is trying to get her man killed in the streets because he's helping out an ex. Aight.

Tony and Locke have a thing? Score one for Tony! For his sake, I hope they work it out. Locke is hot. I'm bringing that up now because I have the photo available.
It's time to talk about breaking out of that police station. Implausible, you guys. My favorite bits were the facial tics with which Eric expressed himself to good cop and bad cop and asking what was on the other side of the cinder block wall, but blowing away a different part entirely. That works, too!
If only SWAT standoffs ended with a phone call as easily in real life as they do in the 24 universe, right? Because WOW. That was simple. And good cop was a good sport, as well. I might have taken offense to Carter holding the gun to my head as leverage. Not good cop!
Frankly, I'm shocked Ben Grimes made it out of the hour alive. I'm still trying to figure out HOW he made it out of the hour alive because the terrorists should have killed him.
All of his baloney about needing the money so he could go live near glacier lakes proved how messed up he'd become as a result of PTSD, and if he made it this far, maybe he'll finally get some help.

But the terrorists have the list, and that means it's just about go time.
With a shortened season, isn't this just about the right time for a terrorist attack?
Amira and Harris may not be ready to carry out the attack on Bizarro High.
Honestly, that was unexpected. Who laughed with me when Archie (he looks like an Archie and I cannot remember his name!) jumped up and escaped out the window??
The kid was being cleaned up as a murder victim and was moved near a tarp for goodness sakes. Hadn't they already started brushing up the glass? That's a blissfully entertaining scene.
All they needed to do down there by the bleachers to make it better was to put their hands on their hips and start whistling as if they didn't see anything out of the ordinary.
Opening the door to Harris' student – with his forehead dripping with sweat and his hand covered in blood – should have sent off alarm bells in 2017. It's not as if students like their teachers enough not to tattle on them when they catch them red-handed! Literally.
23 TV Shows That Came Back from the Dead
By this point, the entire city should be going on lockdown. The news has about 15 minutes to catch wind of the multiple shooting at the train station, the stabbing at the school and whatever other loose ends are hanging out before they cry Armageddon.
If they only knew what's on the way. Of only WE knew!
What do you think? How bad was John ranking that Henry needed to take out an entire squad and think about terrorist activities to get his kid elected?
If you're watching, I'd love to know your thoughts on this crazy show.
If you're late to the party, you can watch 24: Legacy online to catch up!