Torn. That's the word to describe after watching 12 Monkeys Season 3 Episode 10.
While 12 Monkeys Season 3 Episode 8 was a nice breather from the more intense episodes of the season, all it really did for me was drive home how much secrets suck because of how angry Jones and Deacon became.
The standout regarding material was 12 Monkeys Season 3 Episode 9 merely because it's felt like we've waited very long to get to know the adult Athan (who we once thought was the Witness) and James Callis. When is James Callis ever NOT entertaining?

Of course, it should have been a dead giveaway as soon as there was hope for Athan (and he got a name) that he wouldn't end up being the witness.
That was our first clue.
The second came during "Thief" when he fell in love. Would all of this really be the result of a deep connection gone terribly wrong? A feeling of betrayal because of everything you could do as a time traveler except the one thing you want to do more than anything being out of reach? Of course not.
Still, watching James Callis struggle with Athan's emotions for an hour was as wonderful as we'd imagine it would be. I want to fall in love with Athan, dammit. He can drag me in my sweat shorts to the most decadent restaurant in town and ask the men to remove their shirts and pants. I'm up for it!
He can be so bloody charming.
The story was so easy to peg, though. As soon as Athan wanted to save her, her predisposed death was obvious (June 26 is my birthday). But for someone who had never been given the benefit of a relationship that wasn't preordained, the pain could have been enough to bring about the end of the world.
Knowing Athan went to his parents seeking guidance for how to handle the situation was as lovely as was the continual earlier reminders that he was not a bad boy, and the future that was mapped out for him was not one he wanted.

The lies everyone told, meanwhile, were as essential to bringing about the witness as Cassie and Cole being together and creating Athan.
It's confusing, and no, I don't totally understand how Olivia became the Witness, but her birth as a product of time itself being born of her own mother and genetically engineered is surely as important as a primary.
Olivia almost wanted to be a good guy for a second or two. Or it seemed she held out hope for herself, which you could see as her face fell when the realization she was the Witness overcame her.
Olivia: You are the witness!
Athan: That’s where you’re wrong. But I witnessed.
🔗 permalink: That’s where you’re wrong. But I witnessed.
But Olivia also seemed to be behind in the timeline, almost as if she was purposefully protecting her various selves from knowing too much so they didn't screw anything up intentionally.
Could she have made that face and been so damn shocked at the news she was the Witness and yet still have been on the path she was on all this time? From here on out, the future is new, unless I'm misunderstanding things. Most of what was seen by anyone with foresight was either misinterpreted or will be new.
Those who did know didn't share it back down the line.
The intricate ties between Jennifer and Athan were only just barely touched, and my hope is we're going to see more of their time together (they spent a year or so) during 12 Monkeys Season 4.
There isn't a single character with whom Jennifer doesn't have a brilliant rapport, and seeing more of Emily Hampshire and James Callis is definitely on my itinerary. To tease the two and rip them apart without further exploring the primaries together would just be cruel.
I have this image of the two of them in my head, and it's beautiful.
Sebastian: To be primary is beautiful. It is to be a part of nature, a part of time itself.
🔗 permalink: To be primary is beautiful. It is to be a part of nature, a part of time itself.
If being primary in and of itself is wondrous, imagine all that we would have revisiting the time those two shared. Gimme!
It's sad that Jones and Deacon had to go so far to the edge and help bring about the Witness, but it evens the playing field for the final season. They cannot hate on Cassie and Cole for what they did or held back.

Yes, there were lies, but if there was not hatred as a result of the lies, things might have ended up much differently. The game board was vastly different than anyone imagined and the pieces not carved out as they believed.
Olivia has been one of the scariest, most unexpected people on 12 Monkeys. The only person who hasn't underestimated her was Jennifer. Jennifer is now more important than ever. The only person who has regained trust in Jennifer is Deacon. Are they the team to beat in Season 4?
Destroying Olivia will be more difficult because she's such a wild card, but she'll be easier to destroy because they have no strings attached to her.
What do you think the final season holds in store? It might already be done filming, so hopefully, we don't have to wait too long to find out!!
If you're a little behind, watch 12 Monkeys online and then drop by for some discussion. Believe me, this barely covers the surface of the three hours that aired!